The fundamental problem with the Council as a "Council" is twofold.
1/ The people who run it - The Councillors, I hasten to add not all of them, but there are too many of the wrong one's for the right one's to prevail.
2/ The party politics that runs right through the whole process and becomes the dominant force and the reason for supporting/opposing everything.
If you've ever been to a full, public, Council meeting you will witness virtually the whole meeting often (4 hours plus) being taken up by irrelevant questions and pointless motions that usually have no relevance at all to the lives of the people that Councillors represent.
Councillors ask questions of other Councillors the purpose of which is not to gain an answer, often they don't even care what the answer is. The sole purpose of the question is to embarrass the recipient, catch him off guard so that he/she looks foolish and this is just because he/she is in another political party. The questioner is always a member of the opposite political party to the recipient. You never see a Conservative ask a challenging question of another Conservative.
This is not original but Councillors are stereotypical even their ages are close together. Let's take Marple as an example. I don't know the precise ages of the Marple 6 but they are all well on the way or past retirement age. Where are the 20, 30 year olds even forty year olds. They are all Libdem so to be selected in the first place you have to go along and make the right noises to the selection panel and you have to keep making them in order to continue being selected. There is absolutely no individuality whatsoever. When was the last time in Stockport that a Libdem voted against the party and voted with say the Labour party.
Conversely, in the current times Councillors are now having to make decisions, table motions, ask questions that do effect peoples lives. But at a time when they should be working together they will still be party politicking across the length and breadth of the country.