Earlier Simon said:-
How would you do that, how would it actually work ?
How would you make a cyclist's journey from say Marple Station to Stockport Town Hall at 8am safer ? Apart from encouraging him to take the bus.[/font]
The proposed route is to extend Connect 2, which at present ends at Otterspool, by upgrading the track between Otterspool and Bredbury Hall and then onwards into Stockport for the Town Hall, Station, Stockport and Aquinas Colleges. It also connects to the TPT which eventually could bring more cycling visitors to Marple and benefit the local cafes etc, and help prevent them closing. Of course this requires the support of Stockport Council which up till now is more interested in self promotion by spending thousands on Stockport MBC Park entrance signs which have no practical purpose rather than providing suitable Information Boards and direction signs that would cater for its residents, visitors and businesses, but we live in hope.
As to your theory that cyclists are crazy, surely you should be asking who is doing the knocking off and why. You suggest you can only cycle in Amsterdam, well this is just the start of trying to make Manchester more like Amsterdam and we hope everyone will agree with that.