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Author Topic: Noise  (Read 13259 times)

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Re: Noise
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2013, 10:10:17 PM »
Good post


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Re: Noise
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2013, 05:42:22 PM »
That's perfectly well put that's not what was said, it was just condemned out of hand as not even music and that seemed very much to me to be passing judgement. Your very sensitive if you think that's an attempt to wind anyone up.

I do sympathise actually but mindlessly attacking the quality of music rather than the situation is not a reasonable response.

There are a number of issues here, not just music but the well-documented struggle for pubs to survive and the change in licensing laws a few years ago.

I've played in bands for years on and off and the vast majority of where I have played have been in local pubs rather than dedicated music venues. Some landlords are of the opinion that if they put a decent band on regularly then word would get around and punters would come in from around the area to see the band and drink the pub's beer. We all know that pubs are suffering and they have to offer entertainment as well as decent beer, food and atmosphere. We've all seen that pubs are busier on quiz nights than other nights. Some have resorted to karaoke but I've seen a resurgence in pubs trying to offer another kind of entertainment by putting on live music which I believe is a direct result of the change in the licensing laws a few years ago. The law didn't just allow 24-hour drinking but changed the way that pubs can offer entertainment.

As an example look at the "Quack" night on Tuesdays at the Navigation where local musicians get together on a Tuesday night for an open mic night before a main act. I bet they get more people in on a Tuesday than the vast majority of other pubs in the area do during midweek. The George in Compstall has bands on on Fridays and Saturdays and has done for years. The Marple Tavern has take to putting bands on on Saturday nights. After its refurbishment, The Bull on Market St has started putting bands on again. Some other pubs also have live music but don't have the layout for a full band. For example, The Ringers has live music on regularly from small combos (e.g., locals Lazlo Baby) and their open-air Sunday afternoon concerts are excellent. You can see different kinds of live music in pubs all through the area as they compete for our business.

The trouble is for musicians, especially bands, is that there are fewer and fewer pubs and still the same number of bands so the money that landlords offer is coming down significantly. However a decent band can easily make back the money that a landlord pays the band by bringing in the punters.

The issue of noise is one that is completely different. My band is a five piece band playing rock covers. When you put on a band like this it can be shockingly loud. Many people have no idea how loud an unamplified drum kit actually is in an enclosed space like a pub. You have to have the guitars, bass and vocals match the level of the drums to get the mix right. When you put bass into the mix, because the frequencies are lower, the sound travels further and from a distance all most people hear is the bass. That's physics and there's nothing you can do about it. Many many musicians suffer from hearing damage after years of playing in these environments without hearing protection. I have always taken precautions and my hearing has been unaffected despite playing in enclosed environments at high volume.

Personally, there is nothing like live music and rather than moaning about it, I would encourage people to support the resurgence of live music by finding the type of music that you like and supporting the venues and the musicians that play there. If you want to see folk music go along to the Royal Oak on Strines during the week. If you want to see brass, drop into the Ringers on Sunday afternoon. And if you want to see a rock band at full tilt, come along to the Bull on August 31st and say hello to me!


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Re: Noise
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2013, 11:49:53 PM »
I for one thought that Wheels made some valid points.

You admin, seem to be on a permanent mission to defend Amazon let him/her fight his/her own corner for a change which I have to say he/she doesn't seem very good at doing.


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Re: Noise
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2013, 11:10:00 PM »
You seem to be on a mission to wind everyone up Wheels – give us a break!.

The unfortunate fact is that when music is played loudly in another premises and you can hear it in your home it is usually only the base that can be heard. So you are not able to enjoy it, even if it is music to your taste, because you can’t actually hear it properly, it is just an intrusive thumping. That’s my experience anyway and I’m sure that is what Amazon is trying to describe – he is not passing judgement on the choice of music, just the row he can hear from where he lives.

That's perfectly well put that's not what was said, it was just condemned out of hand as not even music and that seemed very much to me to be passing judgement. Your very sensitive if you think that's an attempt to wind anyone up.

I do sympathise actually but mindlessly attacking the quality of music rather than the situation is not a reasonable response.


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Re: Noise
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2013, 07:49:44 PM »
You seem to be on a mission to wind everyone up Wheels – give us a break!.

The unfortunate fact is that when music is played loudly in another premises and you can hear it in your home it is usually only the base that can be heard. So you are not able to enjoy it, even if it is music to your taste, because you can’t actually hear it properly, it is just an intrusive thumping. That’s my experience anyway and I’m sure that is what Amazon is trying to describe – he is not passing judgement on the choice of music, just the row he can hear from where he lives.
Quite right admin .thank you .


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Re: Noise
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2013, 05:14:09 PM »
You seem to be on a mission to wind everyone up Wheels – give us a break!.

The unfortunate fact is that when music is played loudly in another premises and you can hear it in your home it is usually only the bass that can be heard. So you are not able to enjoy it, even if it is music to your taste, because you can’t actually hear it properly, it is just an intrusive thumping. That’s my experience anyway and I’m sure that is what Amazon is trying to describe – he is not passing judgement on the choice of music, just the row he can hear from where he lives.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Noise
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2013, 04:56:21 PM »
So as well as complaining about the volume and time its played you also complaining that its not to your personal taste?????


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Re: Noise
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2013, 04:53:51 PM »
Amazon said in an earlier post it was Live Music on Lower Fold.

I could hear music or if that's what you call it on lower fold satnight .and it was not from the Windsor castle .


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Re: Noise
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2013, 04:49:57 PM »
Are you saying it not music its the noise of people or are you are you placing a value judgement on as to what is music.? It makes a diffeence.
Not if you have to listen to rubish noise you may call it music coming  through you windows at a late hour .why does everyone else have to listen to it .


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Re: Noise
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2013, 04:35:36 PM »
Are you saying it not music its the noise of people or are you are you placing a value judgement on as to what is music.? It makes a diffeence.
Amazon said in an earlier post it was Live Music on Lower Fold.


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Re: Noise
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2013, 03:42:48 PM »
Are you saying it not music its the noise of people or are you are you placing a value judgement on as to what is music.? It makes a diffeence.


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Re: Noise
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2013, 01:23:41 PM »
The three pubs; Windsor Castle, Norfolk and the Royal Scot have all recently had live music events in fact the Norfolk holds one every week but  it's usually on a Thursday. The problem for people that see it as an irritant is once one starts doing it then they all do.

The only legal requirement is to have at least a Temporary Events Notice from the Council and they are more or less given on the nod.

Pubs are being forced to do more than they used to do now just to survive. At one time Saturday night was music night in the pubs. Its good to see it making a bit of a come back. There are environmental restrictions such as decibel limit and so on and you could always complain to your local Councillor but unless there are a lot of you and the noise levels are really severe and prolonged and not just 3/4 Hours on a Saturday night and you will also need recorded evidence of it  - Then don't expect much sympathy from them. In fact one of them is regularly seen at the Norfolk's concerts.

That's another issue, Council's know that for every one that complains about it there are probably two attending it. 

So really I think that you've just got to be a little more tolerant - better still why don't you have a stroll down there and enjoy the music.

It's not music it's just a noise .


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Re: Noise
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2013, 07:45:54 AM »
The outdoor music on summer Sunday afternoons from there is so loud.

We have noticed loud music on Saturday nights and we live off Constable Drive in Marple Bridge. It usually carries on well after midnight

It's a difficult issue, this, as Simone points out.  Being kept awake in the early hours is not good, and tonysheldon has my sympathy.  But maybe we should try to be more tolerant of music during the daytime, especially if it's a concert which we know will not go on indefinitely, but will start and stop at pre-arranged times.   


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Re: Noise
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2013, 06:09:30 AM »
The three pubs; Windsor Castle, Norfolk and the Royal Scot have all recently had live music events in fact the Norfolk holds one every week but  it's usually on a Thursday. The problem for people that see it as an irritant is once one starts doing it then they all do.

The only legal requirement is to have at least a Temporary Events Notice from the Council and they are more or less given on the nod.

Pubs are being forced to do more than they used to do now just to survive. At one time Saturday night was music night in the pubs. Its good to see it making a bit of a come back. There are environmental restrictions such as decibel limit and so on and you could always complain to your local Councillor but unless there are a lot of you and the noise levels are really severe and prolonged and not just 3/4 Hours on a Saturday night and you will also need recorded evidence of it  - Then don't expect much sympathy from them. In fact one of them is regularly seen at the Norfolk's concerts.

That's another issue, Council's know that for every one that complains about it there are probably two attending it. 

So really I think that you've just got to be a little more tolerant - better still why don't you have a stroll down there and enjoy the music.


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Re: Noise
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2013, 10:03:20 PM »
I live way beyond Market Street so if I can hear it it must drive the residents around there mad,it's way too they have a licence for music at that level ??
I personally did not, as I was not in Marple that night. I live between that premises and the other one on the canal bridge on Church Lane. The outdoor music on summer Sunday afternoons from there is so loud. If you live between Church Lane and Lockside you cannot sit peacefully in your garden, Listen to your own music or even watch a film in the house. The music travels along the canal and is amplified between the houses. I believe there are at least a dozen planned. There is no escape!