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Author Topic: What happend to BT fibre?  (Read 10734 times)

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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2014, 10:04:14 PM »
Alfred part of Longhurst lane is connected, I am part of the project team responsible for BT Infinity.

Give me a rough idea where you live in Marple Bridge and I will look into it for you


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2014, 12:15:12 AM »
I take your point Marpleexile. The email is rather ambiguous it was BT's wording not mine. On second reading it only says 9000 are in reach of fibre NOT actually connected.

Re: Marple Bridge/Lower Fold fibre box. I suspect the local cabinet has been connected up on Town Street because BT deem it a commercial street  as is Hibbert Lane (due to the college) unlike Longhurst Lane which I suspect is not connected.

As for the Virgin cable, that was put in about 15 years ago and as far as I know is copper cable but does never-the-less work better on broadband than BT's older telephone lines. Unfortunately the Virgin cable stops 500yds short of my house! So I am still snookered.  :-\


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2014, 10:15:21 AM »
BT Infinity works very well on Hibbert Lane  ;D


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2014, 06:36:45 AM »

Believe it or not despite BT spending £2.5bn on the project so far they have only connected just under 9 thousand premises in the whole country.

I think you've misread the email, I'm pretty sure that they mean 9k premises in the Marple area. There are definitely more than 9k premise connected countrywide.

BTs strategy for broadband roll out has never made sense to me. 10+ yrs ago when they were rolling out normal broadband, affluent Marple where there was the money and demand was way, way down the list for getting connected, yet the less well off areas of inner City Manchester where there wasn't demand were amongst the first to be connected.


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2014, 07:46:15 PM »
It's OFFICIAL. Most of us including me are not going to get BT Fibreoptic broadband via the Marple Exchange anytime soon.

With the aid of Councillor William Wragg I managed to penetrate BTs wall of silence and get an explanation.

I have received a letter from the CEO of BT.

He says Quote:-

 ***** First, I am happy to confirm that the Marple exchange that serves Mr ****'s premises has been upgraded as part of our £2.5bn investment in fibre broadband.   Currently just under 9k premises are within the reach of the fibre product.  All this shows the investment we've made in the area.

However, we've been clear in our communications that our roll out is strictly commercial.  And we do have a robust model that we use in determining which street cabinets are included in the upgrade.

We look at a number of factors - local topography, cost of civil work, commercial demand, the number of lines connected to the cabinet, investment return, etc.  Unfortunately, we've not been able to include in the upgrade the street cabinet that serves Mr ****'s premises and his local area as its commercially unviable.  However, we do keep such cabinets under review in case circumstances change. ************** etc, etc

He goes on to say that there is something called the "Partnership Project" of which Stockport is part which MIGHT provide some finance to increase the coverage by March 2016.

Believe it or not despite BT spending £2.5bn on the project so far they have only connected just under 9 thousand premises in the whole country.

I would urge anyone who expected to get high-speed broadband in the near future to write to their local MP and or Councillors,  otherwise it could easily be another five years before we get it here. If we ever do.

so the new boxes that are around the area marple bridge lower fold are useless .it a good job it's a virgin media cable area .


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2014, 07:26:36 PM »
It's OFFICIAL. Most of us including me are not going to get BT Fibreoptic broadband via the Marple Exchange anytime soon.

With the aid of Councillor William Wragg I managed to penetrate BTs wall of silence and get an explanation.

I have received a letter from the CEO of BT.

He says Quote:-

 ***** First, I am happy to confirm that the Marple exchange that serves Mr ****'s premises has been upgraded as part of our £2.5bn investment in fibre broadband.   Currently just under 9k premises are within the reach of the fibre product.  All this shows the investment we've made in the area.

However, we've been clear in our communications that our roll out is strictly commercial.  And we do have a robust model that we use in determining which street cabinets are included in the upgrade.

We look at a number of factors - local topography, cost of civil work, commercial demand, the number of lines connected to the cabinet, investment return, etc.  Unfortunately, we've not been able to include in the upgrade the street cabinet that serves Mr ****'s premises and his local area as its commercially unviable.  However, we do keep such cabinets under review in case circumstances change. ************** etc, etc

He goes on to say that there is something called the "Partnership Project" of which Stockport is part which MIGHT provide some finance to increase the coverage by March 2016.

Believe it or not despite BT spending £2.5bn on the project so far they have only connected just under 9 thousand premises in the whole country.

I would urge anyone who expected to get high-speed broadband in the near future to write to their local MP and or Councillors,  otherwise it could easily be another five years before we get it here. If we ever do.


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2014, 10:53:28 PM »
We've got BT Infinity - here in Marple Bridge - BT wrote and offered it for a free upgrade.  Super fast. Comes off the hub just off Hollins Lane.

Me too. I'm in Marple Bridge as well. I was offered the free upgrade but when my original contract finished they wanted to increase the cost. I said 'No thanks' and they put me back on to the original service. To be honest I couldn't tell any difference anyway.


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2014, 04:11:34 PM »
Just as a matter of interest, how many of these speed-test results are done using WiFi within the house and how many are done using wired (ethernet)? The latter is always going to be significantly faster (and more secure and reliable). If you want high-speed connections using WiFi then your own router and network cards are going to have to be up to the job.

Virgin Media, £54 a month, and this is a wired connection rather than wifi.  Pricey but means working from home is possible, lower petrol costs! 


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2014, 02:22:29 PM »
Just as a matter of interest, how many of these speed-test results are done using WiFi within the house and how many are done using wired (ethernet)? The latter is always going to be significantly faster (and more secure and reliable). If you want high-speed connections using WiFi then your own router and network cards are going to have to be up to the job.


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2014, 12:38:52 PM »
Upload 10Mb

Download 61.5MB

Did the test this morning


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2014, 08:29:03 PM »
I am using Sky Fibre, £20 per month, i can download at 3mb per second and upload at 1mb per second. Previously i was on Sky broadband and i got 1mb and 100k upload. They state its a 40mb line and when I run a test (which i do frequently) the max is 27 mb per second download.
Is it worth the extra £12.50 per month, no and I plan to downgrade.

I an on virgin media 20mb phone calls free . Line rental paid for twelve months in advanced cost me with phone calls about .£18 per month . Don't need anything faster I don't download music films etc . Use ipad that's quick , quite happy with that .


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2014, 04:50:25 PM »
I am using Sky Fibre, £20 per month, i can download at 3mb per second and upload at 1mb per second. Previously i was on Sky broadband and i got 1mb and 100k upload. They state its a 40mb line and when I run a test (which i do frequently) the max is 27 mb per second download.
Is it worth the extra £12.50 per month, no and I plan to downgrade.


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2014, 03:39:16 PM »
there's cable at the end of the drive but we don't do Virgin

BT Infinity - don't know the speeds, but it's fast.

£16 per month


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2013, 02:43:32 PM »
We've got BT Infinity - here in Marple Bridge - BT wrote and offered it for a free upgrade.  Super fast. Comes off the hub just off Hollins Lane.

Can't you receive virgin media were you are . If not what speed are you on . And cost if you don't mind saying .
Thank you .


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Re: What happend to BT fibre?
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2013, 02:07:53 PM »
We've got BT Infinity - here in Marple Bridge - BT wrote and offered it for a free upgrade.  Super fast. Comes off the hub just off Hollins Lane.