It's OFFICIAL. Most of us including me are not going to get BT Fibreoptic broadband via the Marple Exchange anytime soon.
With the aid of Councillor William Wragg I managed to penetrate BTs wall of silence and get an explanation.
I have received a letter from the CEO of BT.
He says Quote:-
***** First, I am happy to confirm that the Marple exchange that serves Mr ****'s premises has been upgraded as part of our £2.5bn investment in fibre broadband. Currently just under 9k premises are within the reach of the fibre product. All this shows the investment we've made in the area.
However, we've been clear in our communications that our roll out is strictly commercial. And we do have a robust model that we use in determining which street cabinets are included in the upgrade.
We look at a number of factors - local topography, cost of civil work, commercial demand, the number of lines connected to the cabinet, investment return, etc. Unfortunately, we've not been able to include in the upgrade the street cabinet that serves Mr ****'s premises and his local area as its commercially unviable. However, we do keep such cabinets under review in case circumstances change. ************** etc, etc
He goes on to say that there is something called the "Partnership Project" of which Stockport is part which MIGHT provide some finance to increase the coverage by March 2016.
Believe it or not despite BT spending £2.5bn on the project so far they have only connected just under 9 thousand premises in the whole country.
I would urge anyone who expected to get high-speed broadband in the near future to write to their local MP and or Councillors, otherwise it could easily be another five years before we get it here. If we ever do.