Estate agency, done differently in Marple and District

Author Topic: Looking for lost friends MIKE and SHIRLEY  (Read 6538 times)

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Ali Bee

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Re: Looking for lost friends MIKE and SHIRLEY
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2014, 07:46:20 PM »
It might be worth asking the bowls club in Marple which is in the Memorial Park.

mary hall

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Looking for lost friends MIKE and SHIRLEY
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2013, 10:58:45 AM »
I met Mike and Shirley whilst on a cruise 1st JUNE 2013 going to The Baltic and St Petersburg - they gave me their address which unfortunately has been lost. MIKE was a very keen bowls player and mentioned places - Marple and Romiley- and prior to retirement had been a Sales person for Everest double glazing. They have sent me a very nice xmas card so if possible I would like to return the compliment. I would appreciate your help Many thanks Mary Hall