Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers in Marple Bridge

Author Topic: Another Poo subject  (Read 12052 times)

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Another Poo subject
« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2004, 04:00:14 PM »
Hello Ritzmar, and anyone else interested in Middlewood Way,
Saw your posting and note you would'nt mind a Sunday work day.
If there is anyone else interested in "work days" please send me an email to:
Have a look at the Community Council's site and go to the "Notice Board".
The "Three work days" are now completed and have made a difference, as do those volunteers who collect litter between Wood Lane car park and Rose Hill Station.

SMBC staff have been very helpful, and of course SMBC supplied tools, refreshments and generally directed the sessions - THANKS to them.

Adrian Taylor
Marple Community Council

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Another Poo subject
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2004, 03:29:43 PM »
Three days have been designated for members of the public to help to clean up Middlewood Way; 31st July, 28th August & 25th September.  On the first two dates I was a long way from the Marple area, and I teach all day on Saturdays through term time, so that last date I will also have to miss.  Should a Sunday ever be convenient I would be there like a shot, so please post here if that is ever decided.   Cheers,  Ritz.

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Another Poo subject
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2004, 10:46:53 AM »
-And whilst on, I forgot to mention that the considerable research which I have done on the commonly-held belief that dog poo causes blindness in children, whilst apparently theoretically possible in very, very rare cases, has produced no confirmed example of this, in this country in over 40 years.  Check the number of children killed by cars last year against this statistic. Most of us take our children to the doctor here, where unpleasant symptoms are exhibited, and get them sorted out...

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Another Poo subject
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2004, 10:37:04 AM »
Well, as I promised I would start to name names if litter bins were not forthcoming by the end of August, would Ray Gent please tell us why, after promising me on the phone a few times over two years ago that he would seriously look into the need for a litter bin in Wood Lane Car Park, and for one or two around the playing fields and along Middlewood Way he has neither provided them nor rung me nor written to me to explain what the Council's policy on this has been decided?  

We dozen or so unpaid volunteers are fed up with collecting litter from these areas, but then having to take it all to the way to the council tip at Railway Road in order to discharge it is quite unacceptable.  And whilst we are on the matter, how about signs regularly placed reminding people that not only dog faeces is unacceptable, but that throwing litter is a punishable offence.

If I receive no response within 30 days then watch this space for more names...


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Another Poo subject
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2004, 07:09:42 AM »
Yes, Guest, I can see how it might do that... '<img'>

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Another Poo subject
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2004, 06:50:16 PM »
Can't believe it's only just sunk in for me.. !

I am a responsible Alsation owner with a nine month old baby too.. I spend almost all of my time bagging poo!

Still.. It's stopped me biting my nails!

(sorry) ':p'


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Another Poo subject
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2004, 12:24:57 PM »
The Parks & Recreation Dept. have recently put new steps in place to combat that problem and the shortage of bags. Things are very much improved now so well done them.
Bagging up certainly beats the hell out of changing nappies.


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Another Poo subject
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2004, 11:37:40 AM »
I agree that the throwing away of the bags into the undergrowth is stupid and thoughtless - however I have noticed that the bins to hold the filled bags are sometimes overflowing.  A note to the council perhaps to empty them more often might help.  This is the one thing that puts me off having a dog - having to pick up the mess - it turns my stomach!


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Another Poo subject
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2004, 12:12:51 PM »

As it seems that the council are at last preparing to do something about the litter situation by the spring of this year around the Wood Lane car park and Middlewood Way itself, I am prepared to hang fire on releasing the names of the council employees who in the past have promised to act and failed to do so.  However, if the area has not been cleared completely of all rubbish by the beginning of August, then watch this space, as I will finally know then that only hot air is being produced from my efforts.


Dog waste is regularly placed in plastic bags and strewn around Middlewood Way, often on the path itself.  The nonesense of this is just breathtaking for the very reasons which you state.  One wonders at the mentality of these specimens...I do not seem to hear too many reports of asylum inmates going AWOL...?


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Another Poo subject
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2004, 10:08:39 PM »
Dear Deniseamb,
We are not saying that bagging poo is wrong, far from it but that some idiots bag the poo and instead of placing it responsibly in the bins provided they throw them in the undergrowth. How long does it take for a plastic bag to de-compose with or without poo?'<img'>??

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Another Poo subject
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2004, 01:19:00 PM »
Hi Ritzmar. you cant name and shame. it might be liabalous....
oh well,. what happened to free speech...:-(


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Another Poo subject
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2004, 11:27:30 AM »
Putting dog poo into bags and then dumping the bags may seem daft but please remember that there is a reason for doing this and that is that dog faeces can cause blindness in children.  The streets are a lot cleaner nowadays because of people being more responsible for their animals.


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Another Poo subject
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2004, 09:55:05 PM »
The street that I know in Marple that is always full of dog poo is all down Greenbank Crescent, the three passages and Mount Drive they are always full of it.

The passages are so bad at times that you have to pick your way through on tip toe. '<img'>


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Another Poo subject
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2004, 03:45:18 PM »
To MCC Executive Committee, many thanks.  
Yes, now that the council have done a lot of clearing of the Wood Lane Car Park area of excessive organic overgrowth I am cautiously optimistic about the turning of their attentions towards the inorganic mess in that area.  I shall certainly attend when the 'Litter Cleanup' programme is publicised, as having made quite a few phone calls over the years to various council departments I want to add as much momentum to any proceedings as possible.
If I may be informed via this site (which I now call into every day) when any events in this activity may be being organised, then I will plan accordingly.
Thank you very much!

MCC Executive Committee

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Another Poo subject
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2004, 03:05:18 PM »
Your comments about Middlewood Way are quite right.
Why don't you name and shame Ritzmar?
Apathy is about accepting something has not been done, when it should have been done, and you were in your rights to ask for it to be done, the council own nothing at the end of the day, it's ours for them to manage on our behalf, we listen to and accept excuses all the time far too often.
In fairness to the council (officers), they have grasped the metal, a bit, by carrying out some long overdue maintenance to Middlewood Way (after lots of chivvying) between Wood Lane and Rose Hill Station, including the refurbishment of a toilet block(???).- lets hope Middlewood Way will be maintained on a regular basis.
We will be having a litter cleanup in Marple (when the better weather comes ?), Middlewood Way is on the list, especially around the Wood Lane car park.
No doubt some of you will say "The Council should be doing this anyway"- dead right, the Council have a legal obligation to cleanup, especially on their own land - the bottom line is, as usual, we "humans" should not dump it in the first place, but that does'nt mean the "council" should'nt clean it up.
It's the "Greener" bit of of "Cleaner, Greener, and Safer".

Disposing of dog faeces is the law of the land by the way, and is just one part of the problem caused by us "humans".