I know this has been discussed previously but some time has passed since then, NUHOPE is now running across all school years and I really want to know people's views on NUHOPE. There is a page on facebook about it but, unless I am looking in the wrong place, there doesn't seem to be much comment.
I know NUHOPE must be working for some people and I am all for discipline in school but we are finding that our children, who never previously got into any trouble, are picking up regular detentions for the most ridiculous reasons and it is demoralising them. They work hard and do all their homework/schoolwork to a high standard but they can get a nuhope punishment for losing a pencil between lessons or for being late to a lesson after being let out of the previous one late!!
Teachers no longer seem to use their discretion; they don't take pupils usual good character into account; they just dish out punishments and not always fairly either! Some students seem to be let off where others feel targeted!!
Many students have given up trying to avoid the nuhopes because they are so prevalent; they just regard the detentions as a daily after-school club, which, by the way, often has upwards of 30 students in it! How can this be working to improve standards?
Worse still, students are threatened with, and punished with, isolation if they miss NUHOPE detentions!! Bearing in mind these detentions can be for not having a pencil; isolation would seem to be ridiculously severe and demoralising.
To rub salt into the wound the school has recently spent government money on taking the "underacheiving" children on free weekend activity breaks while everyone else has to pay for their son or daughter's educational trips!! Does no-one understand the perception that poor attendance and regular NUHOPE punishment (brought on by the regime itself) is being rewarded?? Surely the school could have chosen to spend the money on extra tuition or one-to-one guidance for some of the "under-acheivers"
Most of the students who are under-acheiving are doing so BECAUSE of NUHOPE and it's negative effects, not because they don't want to work . . .
Is it just me? I'd really like to know please.