Well, at least this is a discussion. I did mention previously that there is a facebook page on the matter which hasn't attracted much comment so it is difficult to get people together to make a forcible point.
I visited school last week to discuss nuhope and another parent was there to discuss the same thing. My children try to discuss it with school too but we seem to get the same answers in that their "data" suggests it is working, though perhaps some discretion ought to be exercised by teachers when dealing with incredibly minor "offences"
It is very worrying to read Loubyloo's post which suggests that we are not the only parents experiencing difficulties with our children being put off school and questioning the fairness of this regime . . .
Slightly alarmingly, we have now received a letter which suggests our son may be "underacheiving" and may need help to "eradicate under-performance". I say alarmingly because we don't have a son at the school and have never been made aware of any of our children potentially under-acheiving!!!
In my mind, if children are being turned off, there is no doubt that for some; NUHOPE is failing and Marple Hall is failing.
We are close to making a formal written complaint but not even sure who to address it to as the school seems to be layered like a corporation with LOTS of "Head of", "deputy Head of", "Assistant Head to" "Middle Leaders" I'm sure there must still be some teachers . . .
As I said at the start of this, I am all for discipline and learning and decent behaviour but I also think children need to be happy in their environment and need to have mutual respect for anything productive to take place.
I'm thinking that we are not so way out of line with our thoughts on NUHOPE and would like to hear from anyone who would be interested in helping to present their thoughts to the school as a group, so that they may take some notice because at the moment the ploicy appears to be "divide and conquer" . . .
Whilst typing this there has been another post about the new Head being opposed to NUHOPE. That has been suggested to me too, but you just try and get through the layers of staff to reach him!!! As a group of signatories to a letter, it may be possible??