Thanks for passing on the Council's response, Admin, although it's depressing stuff, and not just because of its bewildering jargon (what exactly is 'play equipment that is not compliant surfacing'?).
The depressing bit is the arbitrary and uncaring way the council is behaving, sweeping aside the interests of council taxpayers and their children with these immortal words:
There was no consultation simply because there was only one possible outcome at this time, the equipment had to be removed.
Words fail me (almost). It's clear from the council's own response that the play equipment at the rec has been technically non-compliant with health and safety regulations for the past sixteen years, but 'the risk rating was such that the equipment was left in situ.'
So at any point since 1998 someone from the council could have approached members of the local community and said 'We're sorry to tell you that the swings at the rec will probably have to be removed in the future, unless we can get this IAS stuff laid underneath them. Let's talk about how we can work together to get that done'. Is it too much to ask that our councillors should show a bit of common sense and consideration for the people who elect them?