SimoneSaffron states
'If the Lib Dems put a donkey up it would still attract the core vote'.
I do not agree. I have not voted for the Lib Dems since the coalition with the Conservatives resulting in swingeing cuts in provision of local authority services but seven years as an SMBC employee in a post which involved a lot of interaction with Councillors throughout the Borough provided a valuable insight into which Councillors worked hard to solve constituents' problems. The LibDem local councilors always seemed to me to work incredibly hard for their constituents, full stop. The main reason that existing LibDem Councillors have been re-elected is definitely not the fact that they represent the LibDem Party: it is because over the years a huge number of people have complained to their LibDem Councillor about a hole in the road, an un-emptied dustbin, a faulty street light, a problem at a local school etc, etc, etc and they have then seen action as a result of intervention by the Councillor. A large proportion of these people may well not be happy with the current situation or with the LibDems but assistance at some time during the last few years led to them going to the voting booth. For many it is loyalty to individual Councillors that has led to re-election - not that they represent the LibDem Party.
It is often the case that people vote for the party they always vote for or whoever puts the best spin on a situation.
I don't always vote for LD but have been impressed with their performance in coalition and it's far better than the in-fighting, egos and rank economic incompetence we've seen in the previous national government.
That said, I wish we took the politics out of local govt, we see in Manchester they want their public to feel the effect of cuts so they cut budgets for libraries, swimming pools etc but maintain all the hey nonny-nonny roles within the council and throw a 1/2m concert for minor local celebs, local councillors and Richard leese' hangers on. there it's all about making the coalition look bad because they know a Labour council can sail the council tax-payer down the river and still get elected.