There is a small (thankfully) and diminishing(also thankfully) group of people in Marple who still believe that Marple is an Edwardian, Cheshire village and not a suburban town of Greater Manchester. These people will seek to dictate on the quality of ASDA versus Waitrose etc, when we all know that there is quality in both. They will criticise the conduct of their neighbour and complain to anybody that will listen both officially and unofficially as long as it is behind their neighbour's back, what they won't actually do is go and speak to their neighbour's face about it.They will hold everybody responsible for the shortcomings in their lives (of which there will be many - they are only human after all) except themselves. They will blame council policies but they won't put up for the Council. They will lecture us on our grammar and our punctuation and they will leap upon misplaced apostrophes as if they are a symbol of class and status. They will look down on anybody that doesn't go to work in a suit or drops an 'aitch.'
That's why they are snooty.