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Author Topic: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA  (Read 286898 times)

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #509 on: March 25, 2015, 02:23:44 PM »
There was a large red notice at the top of the steps leading down into the car park (just behind Costa) yesterday.  It definitely said 10 till 4 on Sunday, and I think it gave 7 am till 11pm on the other days.  So it is very long hours.

That will be the sign they've installed before their planning application is approved then!
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #508 on: March 25, 2015, 02:03:44 PM »
There was a large red notice at the top of the steps leading down into the car park (just behind Costa) yesterday.  It definitely said 10 till 4 on Sunday, and I think it gave 7 am till 11pm on the other days.  So it is very long hours. 


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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #507 on: March 25, 2015, 01:47:12 PM »
So will the asda not be open at all on a Sunday then? Or will it be open but just a non-24hr day, such as 10:00 - 16:00 ? and then resuming it's 24hr opening times from Monday morning.

I can't see them not opening at all on a Sunday ... surely they should be open on both weekend days.

The signs in the planning application drawings say 10am to 4pm on a Sunday.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

Dizzy Penguin

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #506 on: March 25, 2015, 01:43:35 PM »
I think you may want to read that carefully, opening Monday at 8 am closing Saturday at 10pm,  quite a difference

The red "welcome to Asda Marple, open 24 hours"

So will the asda not be open at all on a Sunday then? Or will it be open but just a non-24hr day, such as 10:00 - 16:00 ? and then resuming it's 24hr opening times from Monday morning.

I can't see them not opening at all on a Sunday ... surely they should be open on both weekend days.


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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #505 on: March 25, 2015, 12:51:57 PM »
Good post exile


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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #504 on: March 25, 2015, 12:43:19 PM »
If you can shop in the 'normal' shopping hours, Marple is a very good place to pick up everything - certainly the quality is far higher than any supermarket.

I'm afraid that for sheer laziness, the supermarkets have the edge if, like me, you don't get home until 8pm, I can;t really expect Archers to open on the off chance I fancy a loaf.

I suspect that over time (ie 10-15 years) "normal" shopping hours will gradually become something like 10am-8pm, or even 12pm-10pm, as our retailers catch up with how the rest of society operates.

Gosh, how DID we cope in the days when no shops were open 24 hours a day, local MUDC byelaws prevented certain businesses from trading on Mondays and there was universal obligatory half day closing? It's a wonder we didn't starve to death or have to go barefoot and in rags for want of shop keepers prepared to work all hours god sent in case someone needed a loaf of bread or a pair of socks in the middle of the night.

What happened to your ability to organise your life? Working women have done it for eons. We shop in our lunch hour or on Saturdays or whenever our day off falls. I'm sick to the back teeth of this constant whining because everyone is out of step except you. Get a life and accept the shopkeepers' need for one too.

We coped because generally only one parent worked full time, the other parent either didn't work, or worked part time. Until not that long ago (relatively speaking) it was quite rare for both parents to be working full time. And single parent families (which were also rarer "back then") often lived with extended family, of which not all the adults would be working full time.

Society has changed massively - for better or worse, take your pick, but it has changed - and some people (and businesses) are still struggling to realise this.

However nor doI expect them to be closing at 5.30 just as the great mass of people are getting home nor do I expect people like Archers to be almost out of stock by 3pm.

Marple retailers have had it easier than many, because the aging population has shielded them from this change to a degree, but as they start moving on, and get replaced by younger families, they'll have to adapt or die.


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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #503 on: March 25, 2015, 12:39:06 PM »
Shocking as it might be to some I agree Duke I don't expect small local traders to be open when normal people get home from work at say 8pm as do you and I. However nor doI expect them to be closing at 5.30 just as the great mass of people are getting home nor do I expect people like Archers to be almost out of stock by 3pm.

As for the quality being better locally I think we will just differ there as I just don't find that to be the case generally. Not that I think that is an issue specific to Marple most local shops in most communities provide a lower quality of product.

Duke Fame

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #502 on: March 25, 2015, 11:25:10 AM »
Beginning to agree with you on that .supose when Asda opens and trade goes down a little we will hear that trades not very good .neils well stocked up today Iceland very busy but you can't buy everything you need there .wilsons ok .butchers don't use in marple I will not say why .
Archers ok making the most of it .
Only a few weeks to go .

If you can shop in the 'normal' shopping hours, Marple is a very good place to pick up everything - certainly the quality is far higher than any supermarket.

I'm afraid that for sheer laziness, the supermarkets have the edge if, like me, you don't get home until 8pm, I can;t really expect Archers to open on the off chance I fancy a loaf.


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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #501 on: March 25, 2015, 09:50:02 AM »
I think you may want to read that carefully, opening Monday at 8 am closing Saturday at 10pm,  quite a difference

The red "welcome to Asda Marple, open 24 hours"

Ah, you are right! I missed it.

Duke Fame

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #500 on: March 25, 2015, 12:02:05 AM »
The large sign seems to suggest opening hours 8am - 10pm: slightly shorter than the Co-op.
It also seems to imply that the other small outlets in the building - including the Co-op Travel - will be staying there.

I think you may want to read that carefully, opening Monday at 8 am closing Saturday at 10pm,  quite a difference

The red "welcome to Asda Marple, open 24 hours"


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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #499 on: March 17, 2015, 04:47:24 PM »
Amazon your confused because you think Marple traders are here to servce the public when in fact they think its the other way round.
Beginning to agree with you on that .supose when Asda opens and trade goes down a little we will hear that trades not very good .neils well stocked up today Iceland very busy but you can't buy everything you need there .wilsons ok .butchers don't use in marple I will not say why .
Archers ok making the most of it .
Only a few weeks to go .


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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #498 on: March 16, 2015, 10:35:45 PM »
Asda signage application:

No radical change whatsoever, especially with both using a bright green brand.

The large sign seems to suggest opening hours 8am - 10pm: slightly shorter than the Co-op.
It also seems to imply that the other small outlets in the building - including the Co-op Travel - will be staying there.


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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #497 on: March 16, 2015, 10:20:10 PM »

I too remember the times  to which you refer, well at leaset my memory goes back to the early 50s and they were dreadful times so don't portray the service we got then as some sort of golden era. I and others are very happy that some Marple traders want to stay in those times just don't expect me to use then and spend my money there when they can be bothered to open.  I will move into the 21st century  and buy my socks when I want them not when traders lingering after a bygone age think I should.

On line shopping will ultimately force these traders to compete in other ways or wither away.

Bowden Guy

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #496 on: March 16, 2015, 10:12:57 PM »
Hope you feel better for that rant....

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Sale of the Marple CO-OP to ASDA
« Reply #495 on: March 16, 2015, 09:18:43 PM »
Gosh, how DID we cope in the days when no shops were open 24 hours a day, local MUDC byelaws prevented certain businesses from trading on Mondays and there was universal obligatory half day closing? It's a wonder we didn't starve to death or have to go barefoot and in rags for want of shop keepers prepared to work all hours god sent in case someone needed a loaf of bread or a pair of socks in the middle of the night.

What happened to your ability to organise your life? Working women have done it for eons. We shop in our lunch hour or on Saturdays or whenever our day off falls. I'm sick to the back teeth of this constant whining because everyone is out of step except you. Get a life and accept the shopkeepers' need for one too.

If some of you are as rude in local shops as you are in your criticism of them on here, I'm not surprised that you don't get good service.