A walk around Marple Town Centre led by Andy Cook, co-author of the book "Remembered - Marple Men who fell in The Great War".Promoted and supported by Marple Local History Society & Friends of Marple Memorial Park.
As a tribute to the men of Marple who fell during WWI Andy will lead you around Marple Town Centre and show you where some of the 141 men listed on Marple War Memorial lived. He will explain the lives they left to go to war, how they met their end and show you where they lived to help illustrate the devastation that must have been felt by our town and small communities like it throughout the country.
The walk is expected to take 2 to 2.5 hours but may take longer if people have questions. You will never be far from Marple Town Centre and will be welcome to leave the group at any time. The route is uneven in places and is not suitable for wheelchairs. The walk is also not suitable for pets or young children and any children attending the walk must be supervised by a parent or guardian.
It is recommended that you wear sturdy shoes suitable for walking and clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat and sunscreen if it is hot and sunny. Things to bring include a bottle of water if you need it and a copy of "Remembered" if you have one.
The walk will begin and end in Marple Memorial Park. Please gather near the War Memorial in the park at around 1.50pm for a prompt 2pm start.
Attendance on the walk is FREE of charge but an optional donation to the British Legion Poppy Appeal can be made at the end of the talk.
Numbers are limited, so please book your FREE place early:Sunday 3rd August 2pm to approx 4pm :
http://marple-pals-walk-03-08-2014.eventbrite.co.ukSunday 17th August 2pm to approx 4pm :