Janine Kelly - Yoga teacher in Marple

Author Topic: A letter to Marple  (Read 4026 times)

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A letter to Marple
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2005, 10:56:48 PM »
Rupert, your letter inspired me, what a wonderfull flow of vocab. you have, your letter sent me daydreaming of blue skies and daffodils blooming on a sunny spring morning. How wonderfull it was to have someone from marple embracing the bus routes of stockport, you must have lived in marple all your life, you I persume must be like myself, from reading your letter to anyone, embrace the social issues of marple into the bussom of your eternal heart. Thank you Rupert. are you spiritual by any chance, I am a member of spiritual hearts of Stockport, we meet every third Thursday in March, I think you are just up our spiritual culdesac.   Much love and blessings Rupert... Constantinexxx

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A letter to Marple
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2005, 11:58:33 AM »
I only wish I was under sixteen I am a pensioner.

Thank you for your kind and thoughtfull remark

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A letter to Marple
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2005, 09:25:38 AM »
40p??! u must be under 16 then. A 16 year old writing that kind of letter to local residents is wonderful!!!

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A letter to Marple
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2004, 12:05:17 PM »
Posted: Dec. 20 2004,00:21  

Dear Anyone

I trust this letter finds you well and in the best of health. Are you still doing plenty of walking along the Middlewood Way? and along the canal, are the  majority of the dog owners still cleaning up after the loved ones? I do hope so. How are you getting on with your new mobile phone, can you work it yet?, on that subject :Whilst walking around the town this week I have noticed
several drivers, turning left, turning right,reversing, parking and even negotiating Littlewoods roundabout. Some had seat belts on, some had not,most were car drivers, some were bus drivers! at least 8 were lorry drivers and one, a couple of weeks ago was a refuge collection vehicle.

So what? you might ask: Well they all had one thing in common, they were all using mobile phones.

I don't know how high this behaviour is on the list of enforcement agency's priorities, but the cost of a fixed penalty or even prosecution does not seem to bother offenders and I don't recall reading of any reports about prosecutions in  Stockport area do you?

Do you know, the other day I had to jump for my life?

I went for a long walk from Marple up to Torkington Rd, on my return path along the footpath down toward Dooley Lane traffic lights I was suddenly startled by a loud honk of a lorry drivers horn, he was so impatient to turn left into Dooley Lane he had mounted the pavement in order to progress his journey. As you know this downhill stretch of road is not wide enough along most of that stretch to take two cars.I ended up over the small fence, whilst he carried on half pavement and half road. All to no avail for then he stopped at the red traffic lights behind another vehicle. Unfortunately I could not run fast enough to catch up with the vehicle as the lights changed to green, perhaps it's just as well I did not.

This does seem to be a growing menace on that stretch of road, particularly as there is only one pavement and its is very narrow.

I read an interesting article in the Express this week on the Community Police support Officers, but it only mentioned Hazel Grove,I have not seen ours around Marple lately, in fact since Ann and Martin left the area I have not seen one at all.

I went to Stockport the other day, I decided to go on the bus, (I might as well use my bus pass) I was going to get the Romiley circular. I had just missed the Romiley bound bus so I waited opposite Gregg's for the other route whilst waiting I could see the ladies in Gregg's bringing out produce from the ovens, I was feeling peckish so I popped over for a hot sausage roll and in doing so missed my bus. Thinking that I would have 15 minutes or so for the next bus I decided to have another sausage roll (they really are delicious) I went back to the bus stop, when a single decker smaller bus arrived marked "Stockport" it was a number 375, I will get on this I thought to myself, I have never been on one of these small ones. I paid my 40p and then had a grand tour  Hibbert Lane, passing lovely sights such as Ridge Danyers, Goyt Mill, Hawk Green, Church Lane, returning via Maple and onward, Dooley Lane, Offerton, Bosden Farm,back to Torkington Rd, then into another estate at the back of Hazel Grove( I was lost by this time) I eventually found myself on the A6 and into Stepping Hill Hospital, out again and down into Stockport and then the bus station, The journey took 50 minutes, but I was not in a hurry and I did see places I have never seen before. It was a great tour especially for 40p. A good service if you live on the route or want to visit the hospital, but if in a hurry DON'T GET THE 375.

I went to the Community Council Meeting the other night, unfortunately there were not many people there, about half a dozen I think. Mr Moore the life President is not so well at the moment so he could not be there, there was only Mr Adrian Taylor,  Mr Jack Williams and John there from the executive committee, not one, of our elected councillors attended, it's such a pity that it is not supported more by the public, they have done such fine work for the community.I was so much looking forward to the  seeing the notice board that they were going to put up and we never did get a " Marple Citizen of the Year". I think Adrian Taylor does a fantastic job, it's such a shame that he  had to do most of the work of the committee by himself.
I looked at the MCC  Website and read that the current page is the last one, well that is a tragedy
it was such a great source of information.

I went for a walk on Sunday morning, it was such a lovely bright clear start of the day. I see that Hanburys has still got its rotting window frames, this was mentioned on the Marple forum on Sunday as well. The writer spoke of concern about the frames falling out on some unsuspecting pedestrian, god forbid!, the state of the building has caused for many comments in the past, but I am sure it is insured, well it must be? I mean the insurers would not decline public liability insurance would they?.Mind you I dont suppose money would be any use as compensation if you were dead unless you had a family to leave behind.

I would love to see the schedule of dilapidations done by the surveyors! still I suppose that would reflect in an initial rent or even a sale, mind you, the whole of the block needs some care and attention, it could be so nice. Even Barclay's Bank looks shabby from the outside, with scarred paintwork and the side door looks like someone had been trying to kick it in. The new Halifax Office looks nice, although its about time they put some covering in the windows so that people can take and draw cash without being seen by the public. Nat west looks nice and well kept building and I think that the solicitors Whiting and Mason, have done a fantastic job in enhancing there frontage onto Stockport Rd, I think it blends in well with the character of the block.

I think most of the private traders do a good job in promoting and enhancing the appearance of their shop frontage it's good for them and pleasing for the townsfolk, mind you, I do wish they would give the " Chippy" a good lick of paint at the Texaco Junction it does not look good upon entering the town.

I wonder if they could get a grant from the Marple Business Forum to tidy the place up or even the council perhaps?.

Oh, and by the way, I do like the new sign and notice board erected by the  "Friends of the Memorial Park"
it's just on the right as you enter the park, you must read it next time you are passing.

I have heared a rumor, that on New Years Eve, "Phantom of the Opera" might be showing at the "Regent" during the early evening, thats sounds like a good idea, finished by nine and of to welcome in the new year.

Well my dear anyone, I can't think of any other news to tell you at the moment,please write back and tell me all your news, is your area now crime free, are your streets clean and tidy and how are you getting on with your new street cleaner, information officer,Town Warden and Community safety officer, does your council have a meeting to introduce you to them?.

My best wishes to you for the festive season

