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Author Topic: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park  (Read 78347 times)

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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2015, 05:45:36 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about Robert Ashton, the fourth man from Marple to die during WWI. Although Robert's official date of death is 6 March 1915, local WWI author Andy Cook believes the action in which he was killed took place on 6 May 1915 and the official date is in error, as there was no fighting on 6 March.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about Robert Ashton has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 5 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2015, 06:26:28 AM »
A card featuring the following photographs will be added to the Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park today.

The photos were taken during WWI in Marple 100 Years Ago today and tomorrow.

Brabyns Military Hospital:
Miss Fanny Hudson sits in the midst of her army of nurses at Brabyns Military Hospital on 26 February 1915.

During WWI Brabyns Hall became an Auxiliary Hospital and Convalescent Home, part of the Western General Hospital, and Miss Hudson acted as Matron.

She also had constructed in Marple Bridge a wooden hall, later used by Compstall Co-Op as a meeting hall, to provide somewhere for the soldiers to have recreational activities.

A number of photos survive from this time showing various groups of wounded soldiers, always with Miss Hudson in the centre.

Source: Brabyns Hall & Park by Peter Bardsley & Ann Hearle (Marple Local History Society)

The images are conveniently dated on the original glass negatives so we know they were taken exactly 100 years ago.

Marple Defence Corps:
The image of Marple’s Defence Corps was taken by the same photographer and dated the following day in the same hand.

The men are photographed with their rifles next to some railway lines but we’re not certain exactly where.

Kathleen Isherwood mentions watching the “Defence Corps of Marple, Romiley and Compstall drilling in the Park” in her 1915 diary. We’re not sure which park it was as Marple and Brabyns were both privately owned at that time.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2015, 06:46:44 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about Robert Edward Speakman, the third man from Marple to die during WWI. Despite being a very fit young man Robert died 100 years ago today of pneumonia brought on by exposure after only 34 days in the army.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about Robert Speakman has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 5 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2014, 06:34:32 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about Fred Riley, the second man from Marple to be killed during WWI. Fred's actual date of death is uncertain because he was a prisoner of war but it is official recorded as 100 years ago today.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about Fred Riley's has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 5 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2014, 09:00:05 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park is officially launched today - on the 100th Anniversary of the first Marple Man Fred Atkinson's officially recorded date of death.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and Fred's information card has been added this morning. Cards about the remaining 140 men will be added progressively over the next 5 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site, where a new section relating to WWI has been added today:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website