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Author Topic: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park  (Read 78371 times)

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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #65 on: June 07, 2017, 06:51:16 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about Burt Morris.

"A gentle, merry boy, very kind to his grandmother, sisters and father, and a favourite with everyone who knew him". Must have been a great loss to his widowed father and three sisters.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about Burt Morris has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 2 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #64 on: May 04, 2017, 06:21:43 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about Harold Cooper.

Harold was originally from Hyde, where his father, Wright Cooper, owned a coal merchants. When Wright retired he bought a house and farm for Harold at Lomber Hey (currently the Scotch produce Centre) and was looking forward to spending the remainder of his time in peace and quiet with Harold on hand to help him if required.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about Harold Cooper has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 2 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #63 on: April 30, 2017, 07:07:19 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about Thomas Bennett.

Thomas was wounded around the 14th April 1917 and eventually died on 30th, leaving a young wife and a very young son.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about Thomas Bennett has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 2 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #62 on: April 29, 2017, 06:07:38 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about John Brown.

John signed up because his younger brother Sam was already putting his life on the line. Sam ended up loosing his brother and also his best friend Edward Mycock, who lived next door, before being invalided out himself.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about John Brown has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 2 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #61 on: April 26, 2017, 05:39:00 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about John Tefft.

John was with another Marple man, William Austin, when he was killed. William wrote home to John's father about his death before official news came through but he refused to accept it.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about John Tefft has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 2 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #60 on: April 20, 2017, 01:22:23 PM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about Alfred Sutton and George (James) Walter Miller.

Both men were killed during the same action on 23 April 1917, Alf in the morning and James in the evening. There is some personal information known about Alf but sadly not James, who also seems to have suffered having the wrong name recorded on both Marple and High Lane memorials. As the card explains, the circumstances leading to this are not known.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and information cards about Alfred Sutton and James Miller have now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 2 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #59 on: April 15, 2017, 07:04:02 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about Albert Ferns.

This time a High Lane man who worked at the Strines Printworks before going to war for his country.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about Albert Ferns has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 2 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #58 on: April 11, 2017, 06:36:22 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about George Fielding.

Quite often the men seem older than their reported age in the photos of the time but this haunting picture of George has the appearance of someone far younger than his 20 years.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about George Fielding has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 2 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #57 on: April 04, 2017, 05:54:53 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about James Duxbury.

James entered the war with the British Expeditionary Force in August 1914, aged around 19, and survived the fiercest of battles on the Western Front without a scratch until he was wounded in late 1916.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about James Duxbury has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 2 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #56 on: March 31, 2017, 06:18:01 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about Leonard Robinson.

Marple born Leonard had moved to Australia several years before the war but joined up to fight and did both countries proud at Pozieres in France. 

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about Leonard Robinson has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 2 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #55 on: March 26, 2017, 06:58:26 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about Stanley Ridgeway.

Poor Stanley tried to get into the army in November 1914 but was rejected because his chest measurement was too small. He threw himself into his activities in the Sea Scouts and managed to build himself up enough to be accepted into a Manchester Pal's Battalion in October 1915.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about Stanley Ridgeway has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 2 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #54 on: March 25, 2017, 06:03:39 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about John William Hallam.

Sadly, apart from the fact that he was born in High Lane, very little in known about John Hallam's life before the war and there is no known photograph.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about John Hallam has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 2 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

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Mark Whittaker
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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #53 on: March 23, 2017, 08:20:04 PM »
I've not been able to figure out where Goyt Bank or Castle Brow are from on-line maps but you'd think it was close to the River and / or the Windsor Castle in that Lowerfold area.

In the newspaper article of the time it mentions Goyt Brook rather than Bank. Have you seen the name Goyt Bank or Brook anywhere?
Yes it's on the row of houses were I live. There's a stone plaque on the wall above no 5 Goyt Bank Lowerfold. A few of the houses around hear have name plates on them. I will take photo and send to you.


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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #52 on: March 23, 2017, 03:54:15 PM »
Is Castle Brow Lowerfold? If so it's the same row were I live.

I've not been able to figure out where Goyt Bank or Castle Brow are from on-line maps but you'd think it was close to the River and / or the Windsor Castle in that Lowerfold area.

In the newspaper article of the time it mentions Goyt Brook rather than Bank. Have you seen the name Goyt Bank or Brook anywhere?
Mark Whittaker
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Re: Marple WWI Timeline display in Marple Memorial Park
« Reply #51 on: March 23, 2017, 12:14:11 PM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park's WWI Timeline Tribute display in the park has been updated with information about Edward Yarwood.

Edward and his family had been associated with the Forge Smithy for generations. He left a wife and two young children, a boy and a girl.

The display is fixed to the railings in front of Hollins House in the park. It starts on the far left with an A4 poster explaining what's happening and an information card about Edward Yarwood has now been added. Cards about the remaining men will be added progressively over the next 2 years on the 100th Anniversaries of their recorded dates of death.

You can read more about this on the Friends of the Park web site in the WWI Heritage section:

You can also follow the Timeline on Twitter and on Face Book

Is Castle Brow Lowerfold? If so it's the same row were I live.