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Author Topic: Rosehill  Flasher  (Read 12381 times)

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Rosehill  Flasher
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2005, 01:44:59 PM »
If this person is a tramp sleeping rough, then why would he walk around naked in the Middlewood way, Marple hall and Brydges Road areas?

I have myself seen the shelter in the ground that Marplain mentions, and it appears to be an old air raid shelter, and there used to be blankets and a fire in there.

I have heard that a person was attacked by a naked man in another tunnel down the Roman lakes along time ago:

There is definately a naked person who spends a lot of time naked around around middlewood way because I have seen him myself asleep on a bench further down, about halfway between marple and High Lane. I was really suprised when I saw him and at first I thought he was dead, but he wasnt.

Whether the police do get involved or not, what about some volunteers patroling the Middlewood way now and again to see if he is there? i think that someone should put up a few signs warning of suspicious activity in the area, so as the warn them what to expect?  '<img'>


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Rosehill  Flasher
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2005, 11:42:53 PM »
I have seen a man, obviously a tramp sleeping on one of the benches down the Middlewood way, he was fully dressed and certainly does not fit the description of the Marple flasher,  it was obvious he was sleeping rough, but did not impose any threat to the public passing. I think with this matter, we have to be carefull not to presume that someone sleeping rough, necessarily means that he is an obvious culprit. Also I think we have to be careful that this situation does not turn into "Chinese whispers".


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Rosehill  Flasher
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2005, 10:15:21 AM »
Marplian make a good point, could he indeed be a tramp living rough?.

The only thing about that though, is that maybe there are two flashers, as the first incident that I heard of, was the driver wearing knickers and a waspi.

Incidentally, a previous correspondent asked what a  waspi was, well I think its another name for a basque, which is some form of tight corset...I think

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Rosehill  Flasher
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2005, 09:23:10 AM »
Could he be homeless? I live in the Rose Hill area, and behind the bottom bus stop in the woods is a door which has been embedded in the ground. Its always been known that theres 'tramps' living down there...i remember two people i know lifted up the door and found a cave-like shelter under ground...! May be linked i don't know.


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Rosehill  Flasher
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2005, 05:05:43 PM »
I have informed the Police today of the subject matter of this topic--by email


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Rosehill  Flasher
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2005, 04:16:23 PM »
I am one of the guys currently working along the Middlewood Way and with reference to a man behind the Rosehill tip area Ive seen for myself. Yesterday morning a man came skipping down the steps that lead up into the field behind the tip and he was only wearing a sock and not in the usual place  '<img'> i have been told that this man has been seen a few times comin out of the middlewood Way toilets. The flashers around 5 foot 10 inchs tall and has long grey hair, but has anyone actually told the police about this guy!!?

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Rosehill  Flasher
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2005, 03:55:19 PM »
the reason I've never reported the matter is that i did'nt think I'd be believed, but now I know other people have seen the man.

After talking to other people about this I have been told that this man (if hes the same one) has been seen hanging around naked the entrance to the bottom of Marplehall School which I think is getting serious, near to children.

By the way what exactly is a "waspi"? (mentioned on the first post below)


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Rosehill  Flasher
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2005, 04:25:35 PM »
Have you reported these incidents to the police, it is obvious that there is a problem around this area, If it was me, I would have no hesitation in reporting it. I used to walk my son to school down the middlewood way, there have been one to many reports of unsavoury people around this area, I will not walk down there now, but unless everybody reports an incident, no matter how insignificant they think it is, the people responsible will not be caught.  It is not fair, that myself and my family and other families cannot enjoy the middlewood way without feeling threatened. If you see something suspicious report it, if its nothing then so be it.

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Rosehill  Flasher
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2005, 01:01:22 PM »
Several times over the last few weeks I have been out walking my dog along Middlewood way in the evenings and I have also seen a naked man running past me and also climbing down a tree on one occasion. The man has grey hair and was wearing shoesthe last time i saw him which was saturday.

behind the tip at Rosehill there is an overhang in the enbankment of the river and i have seen an old man with grey hair in there holding a frying pan - could this be the same man?


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Rosehill  Flasher
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2005, 12:42:21 PM »
I believe the police have not been informed about this week's incident but there was a police investigation going on in late January.
Alan - if your informants would like to speak to me anonymously and in confidence my number is 475 4823.


Stuart Pike
Stockport Express


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Rosehill  Flasher
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2005, 11:06:03 PM »
there was meant to be a flasher in rosehill about 3 weeks ago around the railway area, the police knew about this one so it maybe the same person. i was warned by the lady in the off licence as i was walking my 10 year old daughter home from the childminders at 6pm.


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Rosehill  Flasher
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2005, 10:39:06 PM »
Let me say at the beginning that what I am about to impart is hearsay as I was not present at the time of the alleged incident.

I would seem that during the afternoon of Tuesday or Wednesday this week a male driver approached a lady in the Brydges Road area and made an indecent suggestion to the lady.The lady apparently then rushed into a nearby shop and was very distraught.

Furthermore I am told that he was wearing womens panties and a waspi.

I don't know anything about descriptions or car reg no etc.I am not aware if the matter has been reported to the police, but I suggested to my informant that it should have been

I asked if the matter was reported to the police.