This morning the forum has had a major upgrade of the SMF software from version 1.1.19 to 2.0.9.
A new theme / template has also had to be built to accompany the upgrade and I've taken the opportunity to change the appearance a little.
The upgrade allows a number of new additions to be incorporated immediately, which include some Social Media buttons and the embedding of video from Youtube etc. The most important thing though is that we are now a little bit more "future proof" and will be able to add new features as they become available.
You may find that some of your personal settings have reset to the defaults. In my case for example my default language had become Albanian and I was no longer seeing the latest post first in a thread (which I find a much better way to view the threads). You can reset these in your personal profiles if necessary and of course I'm happy to help if you have problems with anything.
Your thoughts and feedback on the new look would be appreciated please.