Quote from Friends of Chadkirk estate website:
New bridleway…to be or not to be ?Posted on December 11, 2014 | Leave a comment
The story so far.In March 2014 Werneth Area Committee agreed to a proposal to build a new bridleway. The existing footpath from the car park, by the stream and through Little Wood would be closed. A new bridleway would be built so that horses could go around a circuit in the fields, including the Coronation Meadow.
In July, a casual remark from a council employee alerted the Friends of Chadkirk to the plan.
From July to November, Friends of Chadkirk set about learning more about the plans, so that other users groups might be consulted about the desirability of the proposal and to get some idea of how it might affect the environment.
In November 2014 Werneth Area Committee met and decided to request that more information was collected and a report submitted.
The Werneth Area Committee met again on Monday 8th December.
Chadkirk bridleway was Item 10 on the agenda.
The minutes of the meeting are now available on line. Here are the key paragraphs:
Since this date (March 2014) and prior to works starting on site or indeed the Deed of Dedication being drafted a number of issues have arisen. It is possible that had the Committee been aware of these issues at the time the resolution to dedicate the bridleway might not have been made.
The Area Committee is recommended to reconsider the dedication of a bridleway at Chadkirk Country Estate, marked A-B on the attached plan given the considerations listed within the report.
A representative of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) outlining the current position with regard to the dedication of a bridleway at Chadkirk Country Estate previously approved by the Area Committee at its meeting on 10 March 2014.
RESOLVED – That consideration of this item be deferred to a future meeting of the Area Committee pending a full consultation on the proposals to rescind the previous decision of the Area Committee to make an Order to dedicate a bridleway at Chadkirk Country Estate as marked A-B on the plan attached to the report.
Can anyone track down the recent Stockport Express letter?