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Author Topic: Wheels votes for Ed Miliband  (Read 7558 times)

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Duke Fame

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Re: Wheels votes for Ed Miliband
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2015, 01:37:37 PM »
The rules for the election of the leader of the Labour Party state that anyone voting as a member of an affiliated trade union is required to state their support for the Labour Party and that they are not members or supporters of any other party.  See http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~tquinn/leadership_election_rules.htm#LABOUR_PARTY

If, as he implies here, wheels deliberately voted for Ed Miliband in order to sabotage the party's electoral prospects, he was therefore, on his own admission,not a Labour Party supporter.  So he was, as admin rightly points out,

I was a member of all the political parties when at uni, it's not exactly difficult, they ask you if you support the party and you say yes. As it happened, I think I was more in agreement with the Labour leadership of the time than the nutty Labour activists who pretty much considered Michael Foot a commie.


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Re: Wheels votes for Ed Miliband
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2015, 12:00:02 PM »
Too many ifs to be credible there Dave


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Re: Wheels votes for Ed Miliband
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2015, 10:25:58 AM »
The rules for the election of the leader of the Labour Party state that anyone voting as a member of an affiliated trade union is required to state their support for the Labour Party and that they are not members or supporters of any other party.  See http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~tquinn/leadership_election_rules.htm#LABOUR_PARTY

If, as he implies here, wheels deliberately voted for Ed Miliband in order to sabotage the party's electoral prospects, he was therefore, on his own admission,not a Labour Party supporter.  So he was, as admin rightly points out,
being misleading and deceiving


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Re: Wheels votes for Ed Miliband
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2015, 11:43:47 PM »
As I said Duke I am very pleased I voted for Milly Minor and he won. Hope your pleased with my efforts.

Duke Fame

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Re: Wheels votes for Ed Miliband
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2015, 09:08:34 PM »
Wheels has not stated that he is or was a member of the Labour Party, but he has clearly indicated here that he is a Labour supporter:

If having voted for Ed MiIliband is offered by wheels himself as a 'clue' to his political affiliations, then it can only lead to one conclusion.   

That statement also makes it clear that when Ed Miliband was elected as Labour leader five years ago, wheels was either a member of the party or he was a Labour supporting member of one of its affiliated trade unions:

Do you have to be a labour supporting member of the affiliated trade union though, he can be a member of an affiliated trade uniion yet not be a fan of the red lot and therefore vote for Mili the lesser on the basis of scuppering their chances by having a liability of a leader.

chicken lady

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Re: Wheels votes for Ed Miliband
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2015, 07:57:12 PM »
Wheels has not stated that he is or was a member of the Labour Party, but he has clearly indicated here that he is a Labour supporter:

If having voted for Ed MiIliband is offered by wheels himself as a 'clue' to his political affiliations, then it can only lead to one conclusion.   

That statement also makes it clear that when Ed Miliband was elected as Labour leader five years ago, wheels was either a member of the party or he was a Labour supporting member of one of its affiliated trade unions:

Does Mrs Wheels know?


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Re: Wheels votes for Ed Miliband
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2015, 04:50:53 PM »
Find any posting where I said I was a member of the Labour Party.

Wheels has not stated that he is or was a member of the Labour Party, but he has clearly indicated here that he is a Labour supporter:

You don't have a clue as to my affiliations as far as I know you have never even met me.  Although as a clue I am pleased to say I voted for Milly Minor in the Labout leadership election. 

If having voted for Ed MiIliband is offered by wheels himself as a 'clue' to his political affiliations, then it can only lead to one conclusion.   

That statement also makes it clear that when Ed Miliband was elected as Labour leader five years ago, wheels was either a member of the party or he was a Labour supporting member of one of its affiliated trade unions:


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Re: Wheels votes for Ed Miliband
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2015, 02:08:49 PM »
Well Duke seemed to get the answer straight away. Look back at his comments if you really care that much.

I make a simple an honest statement as you as usual try and intimidate.


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Re: Wheels votes for Ed Miliband
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2015, 01:40:51 PM »
You continue to mislead and deceive people as usual. Find any posting where I said I was a member of the Labour Party.

My guess would be that Bowden Guy is referring to when you claimed to vote for Ed Miliband in the leadership elections, see quote from you below. As I understand it only Labour members of the House of Commons and the European Parliament, individual members of the party, or individual members of affiliated organisations, such as trade unions and socialist societies can vote in the leadership elections. So in which capacity were you entitled to vote? Or were you being misleading and deceiving?

Why would I run the Lib Dem campaign. Why run a campaign for a party I am not a member of and I was perfectly clear I voted for Ed Milaband in the Labour leadership elections.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Wheels votes for Ed Miliband
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2015, 12:05:05 PM »
Charming, as usual, and as correct as your assertion that you are a member of the Labour Party.

You continue to mislead and deceive people as usual. Find any posting where I said I was a member of the Labour Party.

As for my comment as usual you fail to understand. All parties door knock to find there vote not to engage. The key in any election is to get your vote out not to waste time on others.

Bowden Guy

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Re: Wheels votes for Ed Miliband
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2015, 05:08:10 PM »
Charming, as usual, and as correct as your assertion that you are a member of the Labour Party.


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Wheels votes for Ed Miliband
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2015, 03:19:06 PM »
I have lived in Marple for 14 years and have had more visits, in this period of time, from the Jehova Witnesses (3) than political canvassers (0). Love to know what these 800 people are up to.

Generally they don't bother with known timewasters