I'm overweight and I'd like to not die of a heart attack. My knees are shot so I need low impact equipment to train on. My house is small so I don't have space for a cross trainer or equivalent kit.
So I go to the gym, and the closest is the XXL at goyt mill. It's decent. Lots of machines, good opening times, flexible terms. Not too expensive.
But dear god the music is terrible. Bad club mixes played at a constant 95 db. (Technically the staff need hearing protection)
It's not loud everywhere though, just on the cardio suite and the women only bit. Every day is a real test of will to go and put up with the music.
Am I being silly, or has this driven other people away? Would folks be more inclined to join if the music were at a lower level, where you could listen to your MP3 player without risking hearing damage?