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Author Topic: Dog poo fouled footpaths  (Read 48849 times)

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Steve Gribbon

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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #140 on: January 29, 2019, 10:10:13 PM »
Good evening

I am collating requests to be sent to the Council to have dog fouling signs positioned where requested. This isn't for any 'political gain', I just offered to do so instead of 6 Marple Councillors sending in requests, it made more sense for our area for it to go from 1 person and I do like the glamorous jobs.

There are presently 15 signs for both Marple North and South requested. 

North-Brabyns Park Lacrosse Pitch, Middlewood Way near the rugby pitch (maybe South but still needed), Leighton Drive path, Brabyns Park near the Council Depot, 190 Stockport Road, Rose Walk, Rose Lane, 33 Cote Green Lane, Orchard Road, Ernocroft Road nr Belmont, George St Compstall, 149 Longhurst Lane, Knowle Road Mellor, Outside Ludworth School, 22 Compstall Road

South-Brickbridge Road, 54 Church Lane, Branham Road path, Mount Drive near cottages, Thornholme Road path, Hibbert Lane to Briarwood path, Hibbert Lane near the vets, Andrew Lane path to Deneway, 4 Fairacres Road, Keswick Road, Near to Goyt Mill, Light Column 14 Waterside, 48 Russell Avenue, Greenback Crescent path, 161 Strines Road

The signs are ordered in batches of 15 so when this amount is collated again then a new order will be placed. I used to be the proud owner of German Shepherd and I too got so frustrated by people leaving behind what is their responsibility to pick up and bin safely. Fingers crossed these new signs will have some effect.

Kind regards



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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #139 on: January 24, 2019, 09:21:31 PM »
I've noticed an increased problem with dog fouling around Winnington/Ley Hey Park area recently as well.  I'm not sure increasing signs and bins will make much difference to the problem though. The money would be better spent purely on enforcement in my opinion.
Been a walk to chadkirk today parked in carpark to walk to the church knowing  the church is not open weekdays we just thought to call in .ariving at the gate to the church grounds there is a lawn which to day was being used by some dog training class and what a mess it was can someone tell me are dogs alowed in there is there any signs around we dint go through the gate .just turned round came back and over the river bridge .any councilars reading this please reply .


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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #138 on: January 24, 2019, 05:29:29 PM »
I've noticed an increased problem with dog fouling around Winnington/Ley Hey Park area recently as well.  I'm not sure increasing signs and bins will make much difference to the problem though. The money would be better spent purely on enforcement in my opinion. 


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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #137 on: January 23, 2019, 03:43:48 PM »
I'll give him my support if they stop taking all the bins away.

The petition says exactly that - it calls on SMBC to ensure there are enough bins and several other measures.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #136 on: January 23, 2019, 01:52:50 PM »
I'll give him my support if they stop taking all the bins away.

Two lap post attached bins on Station Road, plus bin next to bus stop on Stockport Road neat to The Drive. There maybe more, i've not found them yet.

I'll walk miles with a poo bag as a responsible owner, i cant speak for others if bins are not as available.


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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #135 on: January 23, 2019, 12:34:14 PM »
@CllrKennyBlair has started a petition about dog fouling in Marple. Give him your support and sign!
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #134 on: April 16, 2018, 01:08:33 PM »
It's a good plan Geoff, I appreciate that you are keeping us informed but you'll be gone from the council by then.

The consultation and the plan is useless if we fail to effect legal imposition and enforcement.

We cannot accept statements such as ...No money... and only one dog warden... as the answer from the council.


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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #133 on: April 16, 2018, 12:34:59 PM »
Stockport Council have just issued this.  If you are interested, dog-owner or not, please respond to the consultation.  Your comments will very much be reflected in decisions taken.


Stockport Council is consulting on proposals to promote responsible dog ownership in the Borough.
The Council understands that the majority of dog owners are responsible and look after both their dogs and their local environment. The Council, however, continues to receive complaints about dog fouling and irresponsible dog owners across the Borough.

In response to these complaints, the Council is consulting on proposals to introduce a number of additional measures that it believes will promote responsible dog ownership in the Borough.
These proposals include:
- Strengthen the existing provisions to prevent dog fouling by increasing the current fine from £50 to £100
- Excluding dogs from enclosed children’s play areas and other enclosed sports areas
- Requiring dogs to be kept on leads in cemeteries and around bowling greens
- No more than four dogs to be under the control of one person in parks and other public open areas
- Requiring people to have dog bags or the means to pick up after their dog when they are walking their dog
- Requiring people to put dogs on a lead when requested by an authorised officer

Residents have until 7th June 2018 to have their say at Once this consultation has taken place, the Council will take a decision on what measures to introduce.
This is part of the ‘We Love Stockport – Be Proud of Where You Live’ campaign that is underway across the Borough.

Caroline Simpson, Corporate Director for Place at Stockport Council, said: “The Council is committed to improving the environment in Stockport but, unfortunately, dog fouling remains one of the biggest causes of complaints from residents. By doubling the fine from £50 to £100, we want to send a strong message that dog fouling is an environmental crime and we’ll prosecute those who don’t pick up after their dog.
“The other measures are designed to promote responsible dog ownership. We know the vast majority of dog owners are considerate and do care about the local environment, but we want to make sure that the Council’s greenspaces and public areas can be enjoyed by everybody.”

For more information visit


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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #132 on: April 16, 2018, 10:38:18 AM »

I live opposite MMP and this situation is on the increase. I walk through it on a daily basis and I have witnessed countless examples of dog fouling incidents. I have on occasions tackled the culprits ( the dog owners that is not the dog ) and have been met with mixed responses. Admin's report on his 'task day' is a heartbreaking one and there is no doubt that a wonderful community asset is being degraded by these inconsiderate dog owners, as well as the negative effect their anti-social behaviour is having on a dedicated group of people who keep the park alive.

A resolution though, is within our grasp, it is certainly within the grasp of our local councillors and this resolution would be one of my priorities if I were a local councillor.

In my opinion, dog fouling people are tantamount to people who park in disabled parking spaces. They are just not like the rest of us. We don't understand why they would do it and they don't understand why we wouldn't do it. They will not cease unless we deter them.

During my time on the council, I cannot recall hearing of one single case across the whole of Stockport, ( let alone Marple) where there was a prosecution on dog fouling. This is what is needed. After all the consultations are over we must ensure that the council effects legal imposition and enforcement. The publicity of a handful of prosecutions will work wonders. What we must not do is allow local politicians to be politely( there's that word again) fobbed off by Senior Council Officers, once again, claiming lack of resources.


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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #131 on: April 16, 2018, 09:50:26 AM »
Council’s proposals seem very fair and welcome, particularly increasing the fouling fine (even if it’s never used) and especially the limit to 4 dogs under the control of one person. Hopefully this might dissuade the professional dog walkers or private owners who feel it’s acceptable to let a whole pack loose across linear paths like Middlewood with little to no control and instead just constantly say “sorry” to everyone they pass for blocking their path or surrounding their own dog.

I feel for the friends of the park group having to deal with people like that. A general rule of “keep your dog under control OR on a lead” would be sensible in most places.

Yesterday I had a dog actually walk towards the front wheel of my bike along the canal, despite slowing to a crawl and moving right over, nearly sending me into the canal. The owner, with a second dog, both pointlessly meandering off their leads despite being on a narrow linear path, gave the usual jolly “sorry!” rather than ensuring the dogs were under control in the first place. He met with my sternest (not very stern) “yeah, that’s why I keep mine on a lead!” response. 8)


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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #130 on: April 15, 2018, 10:40:01 AM »
Sorry but they should be shot the dogs that is .

Even for me that's a bit extreme Amazon! It is more the owners' fault than the dogs, it is the owners who need to change.

I suspect that I spoke yesterday to the lady who posted.  She came up with a good idea of an area where it's safe to let dogs off the lead.  I doubt it could be enforceable, but most people react well to polite requests I find.  The park has all sorts of users.

I agree with this and I have made the suggestion in my comments on the council consultation. What FoMMP would like to see is a "Dogs on leads until the designated area please!" sign across the paths at the main entrances to the park, maybe with some reminders where the paths converge. Then another line that when you cross it in one direction says "Dogs can be let off leads beyond this point" and in the other direction says "Dogs on leads beyond this point please". Maybe these could be complimented with some "Please keep dogs off the flowerbeds" signs too.

Incidentally, I am standing down as a councillor.  In my time, I've noticed Marple Memorial Park go from strength to strength, in spite of the cuts in resources (directly as a result of government cuts in funding to local councils).  Friends and volunteers really have stepped up and I thank them.

Thank you for acknowledging that Geoff. Without Friends of the Park there would be no flowerbeds in the park at all.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #129 on: April 15, 2018, 10:25:32 AM »
Shared from Friends of the Park's web site:

A busy task day in pleasant sunshine was a little marred for Friends of Memorial Park yesterday. We were very disappointed to have to fill 4 bags with dog mess from around the flowerbeds before we could make a start on maintenance.

Unfortunately over the next 15 minutes we had problems with several dog owners. The first let his two spaniels out in the car park. Full of energy, they crashed through our flowerbeds many times before one of them crapped amongst the plants. While the owner picked up, the other dog continued his running through the beds breaking off daffodils. After suggesting to the owner that he keep his dogs on a lead until past the flowerbeds, and he replied "fair point", they continued on their trail of destruction into the War Memorial Beds, where the second dog crapped. So the owner then had to walk into the bed himself to clear up while the pair of them continued to burn off energy crashing through the low hedges we planted last year.

The next one was a lady whose dog crapped near the beds but she was too busy talking on her phone to notice. When this was pointed out to her she picked up but without apology or acknowledgement or interruption of her phone conversation.

We then had another lady who allowed her dog to crap in a flowerbed and on the edge of the border. She picked up but when asked why she needed to let the dog crap on the beds because we have to kneel there to maintain them she didn't seem to understand our concerns. While this was going on her second dog, a small Jack Russell type, continued wandering happily through the beds taking no notice of her efforts to call it out. When told what we thought of this and that her dog should be under control she said she didn't like my rudeness (the word crap was used several times) and although she supported what we did in the park she wasn't sure if she could continue to do so. Well this is the kind of support we can do without!

Then just when things were calming down and we were getting back to work another owner with a dog on a long lead allowed it to wander back and forth through one of the beds. When spoken to he said "the dog was in sniffing mode"!

Thankfully things got back to normal after that and we managed to put fresh edges to all the beds, get lots of weeds out and add a selection of new plants. Work was also done to the Toilet Bed and Jubilee Bed, and the WWI silhouette at the park entrance was cleaned of the mud that someone had thrown on it. We also tidied up the mess left by the contractor around the benches at the park entrance when they replaced the York stone that had been stolen.

On a much happier note, we also continued our Little Growers scheme, which encourages young children to take home some seeds to grow and nurture before planting back in the park later in the year. This is proving very popular and we'll do it for the final time this year during the next task day on 28 April, which will also be the annual Family Treasure Hunt.
Sorry but they should be shot the dogs that is .


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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #128 on: April 15, 2018, 10:18:05 AM »
Couple of points on this issue.

Firstly, we have checked with officers re the pink spray.  (@Blossom - nominally councillors are in charge!  I am pleased to say they listen to us, and we listen to them.)

Secondly, as someone recently mentioned in a scrutiny meeting, some things are so much better these days.  One is casual drink-driving and another is that dog-owners normally pick up after their pets.  Not to say there aren't exceptions, of course...

I suspect that I spoke yesterday to the lady who posted.  She came up with a good idea of an area where it's safe to let dogs off the lead.  I doubt it could be enforceable, but most people react well to polite requests I find.  The park has all sorts of users.

Incidentally, I am standing down as a councillor.  In my time, I've noticed Marple Memorial Park go from strength to strength, in spite of the cuts in resources (directly as a result of government cuts in funding to local councils).  Friends and volunteers really have stepped up and I thank them.


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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #127 on: April 15, 2018, 09:07:40 AM »
Shared from Friends of the Park's web site:

A busy task day in pleasant sunshine was a little marred for Friends of Memorial Park yesterday. We were very disappointed to have to fill 4 bags with dog mess from around the flowerbeds before we could make a start on maintenance.

Unfortunately over the next 15 minutes we had problems with several dog owners. The first let his two spaniels out in the car park. Full of energy, they crashed through our flowerbeds many times before one of them crapped amongst the plants. While the owner picked up, the other dog continued his running through the beds breaking off daffodils. After suggesting to the owner that he keep his dogs on a lead until past the flowerbeds, and he replied "fair point", they continued on their trail of destruction into the War Memorial Beds, where the second dog crapped. So the owner then had to walk into the bed himself to clear up while the pair of them continued to burn off energy crashing through the low hedges we planted last year.

The next one was a lady whose dog crapped near the beds but she was too busy talking on her phone to notice. When this was pointed out to her she picked up but without apology or acknowledgement or interruption of her phone conversation.

We then had another lady who allowed her dog to crap in a flowerbed and on the edge of the border. She picked up but when asked why she needed to let the dog crap on the beds because we have to kneel there to maintain them she didn't seem to understand our concerns. While this was going on her second dog, a small Jack Russell type, continued wandering happily through the beds taking no notice of her efforts to call it out. When told what we thought of this and that her dog should be under control she said she didn't like my rudeness (the word crap was used several times) and although she supported what we did in the park she wasn't sure if she could continue to do so. Well this is the kind of support we can do without!

Then just when things were calming down and we were getting back to work another owner with a dog on a long lead allowed it to wander back and forth through one of the beds. When spoken to he said "the dog was in sniffing mode"!

Thankfully things got back to normal after that and we managed to put fresh edges to all the beds, get lots of weeds out and add a selection of new plants. Work was also done to the Toilet Bed and Jubilee Bed, and the WWI silhouette at the park entrance was cleaned of the mud that someone had thrown on it. We also tidied up the mess left by the contractor around the benches at the park entrance when they replaced the York stone that had been stolen.

On a much happier note, we also continued our Little Growers scheme, which encourages young children to take home some seeds to grow and nurture before planting back in the park later in the year. This is proving very popular and we'll do it for the final time this year during the next task day on 28 April, which will also be the annual Family Treasure Hunt.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Dog poo fouled footpaths
« Reply #126 on: April 11, 2018, 04:28:10 PM »
Ever seen a farmer picking up after his dog? No, me neither!

That said, actually I agree that dog poo should not be left in fields where there is livestock, and no-one on this thread has suggested that it should.