For a great many people, issues such as abortion are very much the major issues in this and every election. It's one of the reasons I could never vote for a Lib Dem candidate (with one or two historical exceptions who were anti-abortion). The main parties don't seem to realise what the main issues really are for a huge number of people.
Way at was interesting was the response to the abortion question in that all except Lisa, clearly disregarded / disagreed with their party line. Wragg was close but Michael was almost weirdly evangelical anti-abortion with the Green guy not far behind, neither party iirc have any intention of restrictioning access to abortion.
Personally I think it's a daft idea to force girls to have children when they are not emotionally, economically, intellectually cultuvated or have an adequate relationship/Family back up to bring up children successfully. There may be an argument to reducing the cut off limit though.
Both Lisa and William missed an opportunity to remind the audience that they have greatly improved the adoption process where it's no longer the daunting protracted process it once was.