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  • Picnic in Cromwell Avenue Park: September 13, 2015

Author Topic: Cromwell Avenue Park - Sunday 13th Sept - Picnic in the Park  (Read 3380 times)

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Re: Cromwell Avenue Park - Sunday 13th Sept - Picnic in the Park
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2015, 08:08:51 AM »
Thank you to FoCAP for a donation of £20 towards Marple Skatepark Project as a share of funds raised by our Splat the Rat!
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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THANKS - Cromwell Avenue Park - Sunday 13th Sept - Picnic in the Park
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2015, 08:08:40 PM »
Thanks to lots of people this evening...

The great and the good of Marple for attending our event today, we reckon around 150 over the 2-3 hours.  Without you, the event would be nothing so thank-you very much!  And your great cakes too.  I'll make sure I put some photos up over the next few days and confirm the amount rasied from the different stands.

Lazlo Baby and the other 2 great music acts - without you the event would really lack the fun/relaxed/great atmosphere it had today, one word - brilliant.

Eye Sparkle ( - the face painting was amazing!!  Thanks so much Wendy - especially for staying for an extra 30 minutes.

Jane at Stockport Council and the SK team for doing great work on the park the week before today.

Mark W for lending Splat the Rat, and great to see funds raised today going to both parks (us and Memorial / Skate Park).

Apologies for the lack of football skills training which was on the original invite - last minute (and I mean last minute) pull out.  Hey ho, the sunshine put pay to my angst just before 1pm ...

And finally, the FoCAP team, you know who you are!  From delivering leaflets to task days, manning stands and putting up/down gazebos, you have all been great, thanks to all (John, Mary-Lou, Phil, Helene, Gerry, Linden, Barbara, Olga, Rebecca, Darren, Pedro)

See you all at our next event - Halloween! 

Cheers and have a good night


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Re: Cromwell Avenue Park - Sunday 13th Sept - Picnic in the Park
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2015, 08:16:56 PM »
The sun will (may) have soaked up all the rain from today and there's lots more yellow for tomorrow pm

See you tomorrow - and I'll stop pestering (and boring) you all about the event (which is 1-3pm .... )


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This Sunday, 1-3pm, the weather is set to be fine so...
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2015, 09:07:45 PM »
come and join us at Cromwell Avenue Park...

The weather will be nice - blame the Met Office if not

In addition to the music, sport, activities and pinic action - a few late Transfer Deadline Day additions - Eye Sparkle face painting, Splat the Rat and maybe more, watch this space.

And do bring your cakes along - there will be a great prize (once we've thought about what it will be and bought it!).

See you Sunday?!


FoCAP team


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Cromwell Avenue Park - Sunday 13th Sept - Picnic in the Park
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2015, 09:06:01 PM »
Hello and good evening (or morning if you are reading tomorrow)

Not heard of the Friends of Cromwell Avenue Park group before?  We are a small group who have tried to restore the local park in Rose Hill (between Marple Hall Drive & Marina Drive, near the High School) back to its former glory.

We are having our 3rd Picnic in the Park on Sunday 13th September, 1–3pm.

Do you like the best local music from Marple - great, come along and see Lazlo Baby and other great acts.
Are your football skills up to scratch?  If not, join in the FootyTotz training session - with kids or without!
If you are under 16, have a go at baking a cake in the Great Marple Bake Off

- make or buy a cake
- decorate it
- bring it along
- enter the competition!

Have a go on the games and activities - they are so exciting I've forgotten what they are (although there are great prizes to be won).

And if no to all 4 of the above, just pop along, bring a picnic and enjoy some time in the park with others from around the local community.

It's free!  It won't rain (OK it probably will, but let's not think about that).

Pop along and say hi - be great to see you all!


The FoCAP team