Thanks Mark - that's interesting and throws some light on the position. The decision certainly looks to be worth appealing, as some of the reasons for rejecting the application look debatable, to say the least. Especially reason 1, as a change of use to outdoor recreation is in fact included in the National Planning Policy Framework as permissible on green belt land.
But above all, what's surely needed is for the applicant to sit down (OK, have a Zoom meeting) with officers from SMBC Planning, and get their advice as to what he needs to do to meet the legitimate concerns of the Planning Committee. Talking to the MEN doesn't achieve anything.
But whilst the Council's decision may be debatable, there is nothing debatable in the Civic Society's statement. In fact, it's mostly nonsense! Especially the bit about 'excess traffic and parking at times when the site is busy, and there is danger and difficulty to other users of the Lakes Road such as walkers, cyclists and horse-riders trying to reach the Roman Lakes, arising from, in places, its narrow and dangerous condition.' Have Civic Society members ever been down Lakes Road? if they had, they would know that it is wide, and its generous supply of potholes works admirably well as traffic calming. Walkers, horse riders and vehicles all co-exist well down there - we are one happy family!

And the Garden House has its own huge car park.
But then that's the Civic Society for you - many of us have learned that if you find yourself agreeing with the Civic Society, you're probably wrong