Tina, how could I refuse........
A pigeon flew into Marple
And saw a magnificent pot
"I think today is my egg laying day"
Perched on it and started to squatt.
The egg started coming out slowly
The pigeon went all of a dither
There looking at her , a big ginger cat
"My lucks in, that pigeons my dinner"
So, off she flew the poor pigeon
Right over Memorial Park
"I aint no dinner, that fat cats no winner"
"I'll come back into marple when dark"
Back she flew, the poor pigeon
Right back to the place where she squatted
But her treasure was gone, no where to be found
The egg had already been spotted
But all was not lost, it was Alan
A man who is loved and has fans,
It was him helping our poor old pigeon
To help, with magnificent plans
Poor "Alan at Marple" he tried,
But the outcome was only one winner
Poor pigeon came back, the prized egg was gone
Cooked in some egg pinchers dinner.
Thank you Tina, I hope you enjoy!!!