I hope people ..... consider not just what it best for Britain, but what is best for the whole of Europe..... The EU is becoming a threat to the future of Europe and is beyond reform. A new start is essential if we are to build a stable and prosperous Europe and Britain leaving the EU is an important first step.
I agree that we need to consider what is best for Europe, because even if we leave, the EU will still be 20 miles way, and everything that happens in it will impact profoundly upon us. Why are other countries all over the world so afraid of Brexit? Because it could be the start of the break up of the EU, with unknown and potentially serious effects on the world's economic stability, peace and prosperity. It really is as serious as that. And of course the EU is capable of reform - it's an organisation, so it's organic: it has always changed, and will continue to do so, especially now, because of the ongoing crises of the euro and migrants from the Middle East. If we leave it won't solve any problems, it will just make things worse.
Re John Major, I really can't agree with Simone. I think he's an asset to the 'Remainers', in the same way that Gordon Brown swung it for the 'no' side in the Scottish independence referendum. Elder statesman, fundamentally decent, likes cricket, impeccable working class background - that sort of thing.
Whereas a lot of people are really turned off by the smooth posh boys Cameron and Osborne - I fear that every time one of them pops up on the telly arguing for Remain, a few more people decide to vote 'Leave'!
As hatter says, John Major wasn't a successful Prime Minster - he has that in common with Gordon Brown too: they both led their parties to defeat at General Elections. But time is a great healer, and I think Major and Brown both get a respectful hearing nowadays.
There's only one other former Prime Minister still alive, and he, wisely, is keeping his head well down!