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Author Topic: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station  (Read 21095 times)

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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2016, 11:08:16 AM »
The risk of not getting a parking space does lead people to drive into Manchester.

My wife is disabled, but even with a blue badge often can’t get a space at a station mid morning, or mid day to go into Manchester for a meeting that takes a few hours.    She has been late to meetings in the past due to driving to the station, then not being able to part close enough, so having to then drive to the meeting.     Therefore these days, she will often drive directly to the meeting.   (In winter there is also the risk that some of the path from her car door to the train door may not have been gritted and clear of snow/ice, if the weather gets worse before she returns.)

Once the time taken to get from the station in Manchester to the meeting is taken into account driving directly from her office is often as quick as driving to a station, then taking the train.    Mostly due to her meetings not starting at 9am.


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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2016, 10:55:18 AM »
OK, that's one vote in the bag, John.   ;)


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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2016, 10:54:14 AM »
I really can't see how displacing outsiders from those car parks is going to cause wider traffic problems. You are still going to get the same amount of overall traffic but priority parking would be given to Marple residents and Marple workers.   

True up to a point. However if parking easier, may get more local people parking rather than walking etc.


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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2016, 08:56:08 AM »
The 4 broad proposals are similar to my own thoughts, apart from the extra 15 spaces. Like @Dave my view is that many more are possible. I would estimate around 60-70, so a substantial increase which would alleviate many of the problems. Hopefully this is something that could be progressed.

OK, that's one vote in the bag, John.   ;)


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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2016, 08:53:55 AM »
Why should it.  I pay road tax every year to use the...........

No you don't. ...nobody pays road fund tax, it was abolished in 1937


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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2016, 08:01:59 AM »
JMC, £6.40 for travelling in and out of Manchester is pretty good. You wouldn't get anywhere near that in a car.

It would probably cost you almost that in petrol alone.


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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2016, 07:21:41 AM »
I really can't see how displacing outsiders from those car parks is going to cause wider traffic problems. You are still going to get the same amount of overall traffic but priority parking would be given to Marple residents and Marple workers.     


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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2016, 08:49:28 PM »

The report spares no detail - it's a very long read - but in summary, it makes four broad proposals: 

1.   Give permits to business owners and their staff (subject to some controls) for use anywhere except Town Street
2.   Brabyns Brow to have more short stay (e.g. +15) and less long stay than currently, and two out of the 5 Disabled Bays to be delimited to short stay
3.   Lobby Transport for Greater Manchester to add more spaces to the Purple Pakora Car Park (estimate 15 can be created)
4.   Pay and Display on Longhurst Lane and Lower Fold to have a very high fee for longer term than 4 hours e.g. £10

which suggests a paltry 15 more parking spaces behind the Purple Pakora.  Fifteen, that's all!   You could create fifteen more spaces within the existing car park by painting white lines on it, so that people don't park so far apart!  And there's room for loads more spaces than that in the grassy area at the back of the existing car park.

The 4 broad proposals are similar to my own thoughts, apart from the extra 15 spaces. Like @Dave my view is that many more are possible. I would estimate around 60-70, so a substantial increase which would alleviate many of the problems. Hopefully this is something that could be progressed.

Interesting. Is there any option or discussion of trying to get more commuters to Rose Hill and spread them out more? (Better service). I use RH as it is quieter and better parking. I sometimes walk, both stations are almost a mile from where I live, but when I have childcare to sort have to drive. Could there be a way of encouraging more people to walk to the station ?

I think that a better Rose Hill service would definitely help, and longer term tram/train to Rose Hill would improve things further.

A factor not mentioned in this brief summary (though mentioned frequently in the report) is the large number of cars belonging to drivers from Derbyshire who park at Marple to take advantage of the considerably cheaper train fares within Greater Manchester. One solution could be £10 pay and display for four hours on the station car parks/Longhurst Lane/Lower Fold but permits enabling free parking for Greater Manchester residents. My feeling is that roadside parking on Lower Fold and Longhurst Lane from Clement Road to Marple Bridge should be residents only if there is not currently a parking prohibition.

Some form of pay and display with free residents parking may be an option, though costs of running this would have to be covered. The down side may be displacing "outsiders" cars onto residential streets which is already a problem.

 don't believe a word about Conservative support for the 394 -

There was considerable Conservative support for this, this involved lots of lobbying of Derbyshire and Stockport council  and TFGM, a petition, working in liaison with Andrew Bingham MP and office. Due to our close involvement you will recall I was able to inform you that despite high hopes, contract was not signed and further issues needed sorting here

A proper park-and-ride car park, similar to what they have at Hazel Grove.  There is plenty of space at the back of the Purple Pakora.

All the stuff about 'people should walk to the station' and 'people should be prevented from coming across the Derbyshire boundary' (how?), is just whistling in the dark.  It's a free country, thank goodness! People who live a mile or more from the station (and most of us do) will drive.  If we can't park, we'll drive into Manchester and make the roads even more congested and cause even more environmental damage than we do already. 

I find myself agreeing with you again @Dave . If at all possible substantial expansion of this parking is I feel the best way forward, in conjunction with the other changes mentioned.


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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2016, 05:48:38 PM »
Why should it.  I pay road tax every year to use the roads. 

No you don't, no such thing as road tax.

That said, anyone who pays Council tax contributes to the upkeep of the local roads, so you have got a point there :-)

Why should I not be allowed to park between Clement Road and Marple Bridge.  If people choose to buy houses with no off-road parking, why should they be provided with a free parking space.  The prices of every house between Clement Road and Marple Bridge would have bought a house elsewhere with off-road parking.  They have chosen to buy without off-road parking.

It's a tricky one, I can see both sides. Making that area residents only parking would provide wider traffic/congestion benefits than merely just guaranteeing local residents a space outside their house to park.


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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2016, 01:22:46 PM »
Sorry Simone, but that simply isn't true. It's amazing the number of people who are hooked on their cars and will never think of using public transport.

True. I am in a minority using the train in my workplace. Many of us come from areas around Marple. However, trains are not for the faint hearted. Especially as we need to get two trains and need both to be on time. It isn't cheap at £6.40 a day and having to stand or be crammed in. You can see why many would rather sit comfortably in their cars.

Often on the way back, trains have been cancelled, too crowded we can't get on etc. When you have to be back for a certain time to pick kids up, you need reliable transport. Leaving earlier and walking isn't an option  when childcare only opens at 7.30an and you need 2 trains to be there for 9. I have also heard more than one person say they are worried re terrorists attacks!

I can see why people drive. If trains were better and cheaper I think more people would use them.


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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2016, 12:38:57 PM »
Sorry Simone, but that simply isn't true. It's amazing the number of people who are hooked on their cars and will never think of using public transport. 

Dave, you are of course right, there are lots of  people who won't get out of their cars. I have a neighbour and despite the fact she rarely leaves Marple, she rides around it all day in her car. She takes her husband for the train, her kids to school, then she goes for the newspapers, then for the shopping and so on. She even takes the dog to the park in her car. Whatever the errand, whatever the weather she goes in her car.

On the few occasions she goes into Manchester she goes on the train.

Even carholics don't drive into Manchester, if there is n alternative.



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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2016, 07:36:44 AM »
As Harry says the only people that drive into Manchester are those with no alternative.

Sorry Simone, but that simply isn't true. It's amazing the number of people who are hooked on their cars and will never think of using public transport. 


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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2016, 06:43:46 AM »
There is no cheap drive in and out of Manchester.  Apart from the time it takes which is easily an hour  both ways on a good day and if you are lucky. Then there is fuel, wear and tear on your car and finally some of the highest parking charges in the country. 

As Harry says the only people that drive into Manchester are those with no alternative.


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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2016, 10:21:30 PM »

 My feeling is that roadside parking on Lower Fold and Longhurst Lane from Clement Road to Marple Bridge should be residents only if there is not currently a parking prohibition.

Why should it.  I pay road tax every year to use the roads.  Why should I not be allowed to park between Clement Road and Marple Bridge.  If people choose to buy houses with no off-road parking, why should they be provided with a free parking space.  The prices of every house between Clement Road and Marple Bridge would have bought a house elsewhere with off-road parking.  They have chosen to buy without off-road parking. 


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Re: Parking in Marple Bridge and at Marple Station
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2016, 08:06:09 PM »
Nobody in their right mind would attempt to drive in unless they had to.

Amazingly, there are a lot of people who are not in their right mind and who choose to commute in to Manchester by car!  It's a worldwide phenomenon, and cities everywhere are trying to tackle it by introducing park and ride schemes.  We just need to get our act together.