Marple North
The most interesting one for me but that's probably because it is where I'll be voting.
Earlier this year it looked like a straight toe to toe slugging contest between début candidates John Bates and Malcolm Allan, the Conservatives coming in with a 300+ votes advantage from last year. This advantage was easily reversible. However what has happened since then is that John Bates has emerged as a forthcoming candidate who is prepared to engages on any issue, whereas Malcolm, unfortunately for him, has not emerged at all. Websites don't win elections (not yet anyway) but if this website is anything to go by, John has placed 91 posts about a multitude of issues, he has become involved, helpful and informative whereas Malcolm has placed 4 that have really been the opposite of this .
There is also an x factor here that isn't present in any of the other elections in the borough an independent candidate. Normally independent candidates can be summarily dismissed with a "bless em" and a consolation vote of 50/60 votes.
Not this time, this candidate is Kevin Dowling, local author, local hotelier, reality TV star and well known Marpleista. So what you may say? Well that gives him name recognition, a big factor in local elections. Furthermore there is no doubt that he is actually running a campaign as good as both the Tories and the libdems and he has a personal following which the other two don't have. He came into a busy pub that I was in last week and he knew everybody in the place and they knew him - Councillor Kev as they still call him and the whole pub seemed to be saying that they would vote for him. He'd certainly put some colour into Marple politics.
It is inconceivable that an independent candidate first time out, from a standing start can win this, - but is it? What is certain is that he will get votes and it won't be 50 and the critical factor in this election might be - where he takes them from.
PREDICTION: My heart says Councillor Kev, but my head says Conservative John. Forget it Malcolm, you don't even need to turn up, no offence intended, but so far you haven't anyway.