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Author Topic: Elections 2016  (Read 26198 times)

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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #57 on: May 03, 2016, 10:18:18 PM »
I understand there is a budget, but when the hard earned money is spent, who is checking and ensuring a quality job? Does the contractor automatically get paid irrespective of the workmanship? Or is money withheld until the work is inspected as satisfactory and signed off. Generally it looks OK if laid with care. However, having spoken to various people in the community, everyone has said how shoddy it looks. This includes random kerbs that have been replaced.

You only have to take a GEMBA walk along any of the roads and you shall see what everyone else is talking about.

There are various works.  So there was a complete relay of Station Road/Hollins Lane.  Most microasphalt looks good - e.g. by Kevin Dowling's Hotel.  But there are a few that will need redoing, e.g. not far from Marple Hall School. 

The council are trying to provide the best possible option for the least money as central government starve us of funds.  So a short relay would subsidise the entire 394 bus route for an entire year!


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #56 on: May 03, 2016, 07:53:51 PM »

@PhilB - let me know here (or by email if you'd rather) if you have seen a problem. 

I understand there is a budget, but when the hard earned money is spent, who is checking and ensuring a quality job? Does the contractor automatically get paid irrespective of the workmanship? Or is money withheld until the work is inspected as satisfactory and signed off. Generally it looks OK if laid with care. However, having spoken to various people in the community, everyone has said how shoddy it looks. This includes random kerbs that have been replaced.

You only have to take a GEMBA walk along any of the roads and you shall see what everyone else is talking about.


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #55 on: May 01, 2016, 11:05:56 AM »
Unfortunately, Admin I wasn't in the park yesterday. But I am only too glad you've seen and identified him because I was beginning to think that he was a figment of Geoff's imagination.   


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #54 on: May 01, 2016, 10:11:31 AM »
...but I've never seen Malcolm, Where is he?

If you'd been in Marple Memorial Park yesterday you would have seen @Malcolm Allan working with Friends of Marple Memorial Park, @JohnBates too. Malcolm has been helping us in the park regularly, at local events and coming to our meetings. John has also been helping in the park and at events, and has also been to a meeting. Regardless of who gets elected I hope that we'll continue to receive the support of both candidates.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #53 on: May 01, 2016, 07:27:32 AM »

To answer @Razzle24 , spent a lot to mend the roads!  Saved the 394 bus - a lifeline for some people - now a Mon-Fri subsidised service between TfGM and Derbyshire CC,  opened up Marple Area Cmte meetings so we discuss (not talk at) the people of Marple, and (I am pleased to say) actively co-operate with the 1 Conservative councillor on waiting restrictions (double yellow lines).  Much more besides.

Our candidate, @Malcolm Allan , is fortunate in that he would be able to be a councillor full-time (see elsewhere in these pages on this issue) and so puts in a lot of work, attends a large number of community / volunteer organisations and has (thanks to input from users) has come up with a plan to alleviate the perennial car parking problem in Marple Bridge.

To answer @Condate I think Britain is currently a strong and vibrant place.  Part of that is because it is a liberal democratic state (with small l and d) partly because people are free to express themselves, provided it doesn't hurt others.  The abortion act I believe was a good thing.  One of the unintended consequences, amazingly, seems to be a correlation between less-unwanted-children and crime stats 20 years later both here and in the US.  It's worth looking that up. 
It was a Labour government that brought in the Comprehensive system.  In my view, national governments of all flavours should stop tinkering so much with our eduction system.  But thank you for explaining what you meant by "nasty". 

Like you Geoff, I'm always willing to be corrected but as you've mentioned your candidate Malcolm, lets ponder on him.

He is certainly uncommunicative. I recall when the transport/traffic debate was raging on here a few weeks ago he was nowhere to be heard. The same with the 394 bus, where was Malcolm, what was his view, again nowhere to be heard.

When he does come on this forum he talks about cricket and giving free tuition to maths students, I recall asking him once on this forum if he had retired from full time work, I don't recall receiving an answer.

I've lived in Marple for many years and he is the only candidate that I've never seen in Marple and that includes The minority party candidates. I saw John Bates last week walking through MMP. I saw Ray Jones UKIP in Costa yesterday. I saw Dave Rowbottom (Labour) coming out of his house. I'm always seeing Kevin Dowling around Marple, he seems to be everywhere. I even saw Trevor Smith (Green) going into a shop  but I've never seen Malcolm, Where is he?

You continually come on this forum and I for one find your postings informative but your not up for election Geoff. You say that HE has come up with 'a plan to alleviate the perennial  parking problems in Marple Bridge.' Well what is it, is it a secret? I'm sure we would all like to hear about it. So come on Malcolm, show yourself, explain this plan to us, we are interested.     


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #52 on: April 30, 2016, 07:16:04 PM »
Norbury Drive is one of the roads that has shoddy work - they  tarmacked around 2 vans!! Weatherley Drive is another. Yet our Council tax bill has increased!!


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #51 on: April 30, 2016, 06:57:04 PM »
What it did do (s well as cost) was show the type of repair.

I do not apologise for saying, year on year, we have less money.  Another extra £21 million this year alone.  So the council are trying to find better, cheaper ways of doing the same thing.  One of these is microasphalt, which is laid cold and laid quickly.  I've seen quite a lot out in Marple today, and yes, it does mostly look good.  Some roads were of quality that meant starting from scratch or using another method still. 

There was one road where it was poorly laid.  And another on the reserve list that IMHO should have been done; I will push for this to be done next year.  (I've talked to residents on these roads; I won't name them here.) But the majority look really good, as do the pavements.  Even the one outside @Kevin Dowling Hotel, so you can't say there is any political bias!

@PhilB - let me know here (or by email if you'd rather) if you have seen a problem. 

One of my reported potholes was filled within 2 hours a few weeks back, so someone is listening to me!  (I don't guarentee that service normally.)


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #50 on: April 30, 2016, 03:28:22 PM »
What do you think about the quality of the recent road 'repairs' in Marple? Would this type of repair 'cost a lot' ?
PS I meant to add that nationally I think the 2 worst trends are
1) The increasing gap between rich and poor
2) The spiralling cost and lack of provision of housing, particularly affordable housing.

This explains the programme:
These are the planned roads that have been / will be done in Marple North:

And these are the Costings (already made public)

Thanks for the helpful links Geoff but you didn't really answer Phil's question Geoff which was about the QUALITY  of the road repairs.


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #49 on: April 30, 2016, 02:52:36 PM »
PS I meant to add that nationally I think the 2 worst trends are
1) The increasing gap between rich and poor
2) The spiralling cost and lack of provision of housing, particularly affordable housing.

This explains the programme:
These are the planned roads that have been / will be done in Marple North:

And these are the Costings (already made public)


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #48 on: April 30, 2016, 12:35:05 PM »

 spent a lot to mend the roads! 

What do you think about the quality of the recent road 'repairs' in Marple? Would this type of repair 'cost a lot' ?


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #47 on: April 30, 2016, 11:56:20 AM »

To answer @Razzle24 , spent a lot to mend the roads!  Saved the 394 bus - a lifeline for some people - now a Mon-Fri subsidised service between TfGM and Derbyshire CC,  opened up Marple Area Cmte meetings so we discuss (not talk at) the people of Marple, and (I am pleased to say) actively co-operate with the 1 Conservative councillor on waiting restrictions (double yellow lines).  Much more besides.

Our candidate, @Malcolm Allan , is fortunate in that he would be able to be a councillor full-time (see elsewhere in these pages on this issue) and so puts in a lot of work, attends a large number of community / volunteer organisations and has (thanks to input from users) has come up with a plan to alleviate the perennial car parking problem in Marple Bridge.

To answer @Condate I think Britain is currently a strong and vibrant place.  Part of that is because it is a liberal democratic state (with small l and d) partly because people are free to express themselves, provided it doesn't hurt others.  The abortion act I believe was a good thing.  One of the unintended consequences, amazingly, seems to be a correlation between less-unwanted-children and crime stats 20 years later both here and in the US.  It's worth looking that up. 
It was a Labour government that brought in the Comprehensive system.  In my view, national governments of all flavours should stop tinkering so much with our eduction system.  But thank you for explaining what you meant by "nasty". 


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #46 on: April 30, 2016, 07:15:40 AM »
8 MPs.  True and 10 years before we had 6.  We're Lib Dems.

And he didn't wear sandals.


The last thing Marple North needs in this election is another part - time undergraduate libdem councillor. Or for that matter another part -time undergraduate Conservative councillor.


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #45 on: April 29, 2016, 08:14:35 PM »
I think it was Theresa May who branded her party as the "nasty party" (better than in the Victorian era when they were branded the "stupid party", which to modern ears sounds just rude) but these are all national monikers.  Nationally the Conservatives (whether on Social Services, Europe, or Forced School Academies) are having big internal difficulties. and this week Labour are having a spot of trouble with anti-Semitism.    But I've never heard anyone call us the nasty party in the Lib Dems.  A first, @Condate !  Any evidence for that?

Well, it was a Liberal who introduced the iniquitous Abortion Act (yes, I know Labour and Conservative MP voted for it too) It was the infamous future Lib Dem Roy Jenkins who helped dismantle civilisation in his capacity of "father of the permissive society". It was the equally notorious future Lib Dem Shirley Williams who wrecked the British education system. I tend to associate the Lib Dems with many of the liberal (with a small l) causes which have helped ruin this country. Of course, the Conservative and Labour parties have played their part too, but the Liberals/Lib Dems have certainly played a leading role in the destruction of tradition and the moral standards of this country. I do know there have been exceptions occasionally, but this is how I see the Lib Dems. I can't say I'm that keen on the other two main parties either for that matter.


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #44 on: April 29, 2016, 08:13:04 PM »
I would like you to tell me what the Lib Dems have done for Marple. Three small schools closed, one super sized primary school - and now a lack of school places!! The selling off, of the old schools for development. The rec stripped of its playground. The roads in poor condition. - the list goes on.......!


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Re: Elections 2016
« Reply #43 on: April 29, 2016, 07:43:02 PM »
Geoff, you've got 8 MP's, you had 57. That is 86% of you MPs wiped out. You couldn't be any more in trouble Nationally if you tried. Forget the Tories and Labour consider your own position.

Geoff is it true The first libdem was King Canute ?

8 MPs.  True and 10 years before we had 6.  We're Lib Dems.   Of course 8 Lib Dem MPs could fall out with each other!  We like to be individuals.

If memory serves (and there are a lot of learned people Marple people, so I am happy to be corrected) but wasn't King Canute trying to prove to his barons that they shouldn't be sycophants and to prove this showed them he couldn't turn the tide back?  But he can't have been Lib Dem..  It was still a feudal system.  And he didn't wear sandals.

Liberals in the past in government have done a good many good things - voting reform, introduction of pensions and clipping entitled House of Lords' power (work still in progress I fear) but that is both national and 100 years ago.