Those residents who signed my petition will be receiving a full update from me via letter over the next few days (if you haven't already received it). As soon as I have been give an update - I will ensure you're all updated too.
We've received William Wragg's letter. Enclosed with it is a letter addressed to him from the Chief Executive of Royal Mail Group. On the subject of collecting undelivered mail, it is non-committal. It says that they attempt to deliver to a neighbour (do they? - not where we live they don't!) It also says you can request a free redelivery on another day, to the same address or another one in the same postcode area.
But essentially they are not denying that if this scheme goes ahead, when we need to collect undelivered mail we will have to go to the Green Lane sorting office in Stockport to do it.
But what did we expect when it was privatised. There are already fewer collections, no doubt the Saturday deliveries and collections will end soon, and the much prized universal postal service is only guaranteed for another five years, until 2021.
If I were the Queen I'd be embarrassed to be associated with it, and I'd tell them to remove my head from their stamps!