If the rumour is true and Wetherspoons have bought it, I can't see it doing The Samuel Oldknow any good, which is a great pity.
I actually think it would be net neutral to Oldknow's- but beneficial to the community of Marple as a whole.
The virtual monopoly of Robbie's prior to Beer Traders and Oldknow's killed Marple nightlife. Same old, same old.... Same tired beverages, same tired tenants (with a few very notable exceptions - you know exactly who I mean!), same tired buildings and interiors, same tired themes/offering beyond the odd quiz night and perhaps some darts. No wonder the town died as supermarkets started offering decent craft ales and wines (etc.) at reasonable prices and Netflix or whatever became mainstream.
Beer Traders and Oldknow's breathed some life back in but they're relatively small and don't do food (to any great degree). What we need is for the generation in charge of Robbies now to realise their current business model has no future in the 21st century, grow a pair and sell off the majority of their estate without restrictions to trade, and allow freehouses in their place. Or we need to petition Wetherspoons to buy the Nat West. Or better still both. Then we might get our town back - like Marple Bridge for instance who have a great night life.
With more choice, more people would stay in Marple for their nights out. With more choice, more people might visit from neighbouring towns. With more choice, more people might switch off the telly and venture out. All of which will benefit Oldknow's and Beer Traders (classic Game Theory if you have ever studied it) but probably be detrimental to the Midland and Norfolk...
And believe it or not, this would also benefit Robbies themselves. If Marple footfall doubled (and in reality I think it would treble) by keeping (at most) 2 or 3 of their traditional pubs they would maintain/increase their turnover but with fewer overheads in the estate = a more attractive offering with which to attract quality tenants, plus more profit for them. What's not to like?
So come on Wethespoons, do Marple a favour and get your offer in!