I am delighted to announce that Marple Skatepark is now open to the public. Enjoy it safely, respect the effort that has gone into achieving this - it's the community of Marple that has made it happen by supporting us for the last 5 years! There's always more to do of course but primary mission accomplished!
We will be thanking everyone in more detail in due course but for now, thanks to Stockport Council for working with us all the way and for £50k of funding, thanks to Life Leisure for coming to our aid with nearly £12k to enable us to concrete the existing lower section, thanks to Friends of Marple Memorial Park volunteers for a huge fund-raising effort, to Stockport Homes, Marple Area Committee, The Marple Website and Forever Manchester for great funding support and to all the local people, local organisations, local councillors and businesses who have donated, fund-raised and had enough faith that we could do this to give us you money and your support.