Here's a report on the Community Orchard that MESS have asked me to pop on the site for them (Arthur's photos added now too).MARPLE’S COMMUNITY ORCHARDOn Saturday morning the 25 March 2017 the sun shone brightly when MESS (Marple, Mellor and Marple Bridge - Energy Saving Strategy) planted 75 trees on the green between Oldknow and Arkwright Road. The Orchard is planted on land which is a ‘Community Asset’ and with apple, pear, cherry, plum and nut trees, all will be welcome to enjoy the fruit. 75 people sponsored a tree with many there in person to plant their tree. Some of the trees were planted in the memory of a loved one or to welcome a new member of the family or to celebrate an anniversary. It was a memorable day, bringing people together, many who had never met before in the shared interest of taking care of the environment.
To make the day extra special, his Worshipful Mayor of Stockport, Chris Gordon and his wife, Mayoress of Stockport, Dr. Margaret Gordon were in attendance. Chris said, “Having been involved recently in creating a Community Orchard in my own church and the success we have had, I am delighted to see another group setting up an orchard for the benefit of all.”
MESS was created 7 years ago with the aim of reducing Carbon emissions and to take good care of the environment. MESS members meet at 7pm on the second Monday of each month at Marple Fire Station. Anyone interested in ECO issues and how to make Marple an even better place to live can find out more from (The same weekend MESS also launched its Switch to Green Energy campaign. Fliers are being delivered and are also available in Marple Library and from MESS). Come along to a meeting. They are a friendly group and you would be made very welcome. Maureen Matthews, Chair of MESS said, “When the blossom comes out, we will all marvel at our achievement and share the joy with all who live in Marple and who visit this lovely place”.