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Author Topic: Friends of Marple REC  (Read 21564 times)

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My login is Henrietta

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Re: Friends of Marple REC
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2017, 06:11:24 PM »

I've sent you a PM.


My login is Henrietta

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Re: Friends of Marple REC
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2017, 06:10:30 PM »
Most of the residents around Rec have no problem with the orchard except that is an unwise location and the number of trees in orchard. (75). We suggested upper corner with 20 trees.

You forgot to mention that Chadkirk orchards is in secluded, fenced old garden. While Rec is in centre of the Marple open space and frequently violated day or night by motorbikes, cars and drunken people on their way to train station or Roman lakes. The proposed place for orchard will be invitation for this kind of behaviour. 

Also orchard will obstruct the view to incoming traffic from Oldknow Road. The junction with Arkwright Road is already dangerous.

For last 100 years it was used as playground and ground for games/sports.  (Covenant states that the ground is for recreational use not for planting. Exception was during 2WW when it was used for growing veg.)

 Once drained Rec can be revived to its old use as many generation of Marple residents remember.

Is it better for our children to play sports and have a place to socialise or in lack of facilities to wander around without purpose?

This is today’s article from BBC.  Public parks in danger of falling into neglect, warn MPs
What about re-instating the playground swings, etc?


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Re: Friends of Marple REC
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2017, 06:03:01 PM »
I also agree that it is a good idea to have an orchard - Marple  has 4 parks and it would be good to see the rec have an alternative use.

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Friends of Marple REC
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2017, 05:59:42 PM »
I think it is a wonderful idea to form a "Friends of Marple Rec", it is just a shame that it was not done years ago.  That way the group could have done something about getting better drainage and keeping the playground and the goalpost, instead of people just complaining about it.
Yes, well!

When Mark raised the matter of a "Friends of the "rec" sometime back I was, as far as I know, the only person who volunteered ( at least on this web site).

I don't live in the immediate vicinity of the rec but spent a lot of time playing on the swings when I was a little girl. If anyone is proposing a "Friends of the Rec" group I'd be willing to "muck in". I'm not much good at heavy manual work due to age and moderate delapidation but can offer "secretarial" skills, catering skills including baking for fund-raising and, having been a teacher for 25 years, quite good at harrying the troops( ;))  and the local powers that be!


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Re: Friends of Marple REC
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2017, 02:08:10 PM »
I think it is a wonderful idea to form a "Friends of Marple Rec", it is just a shame that it was not done years ago.  That way the group could have done something about getting better drainage and keeping the playground and the goalpost, instead of people just complaining about it.  You should also know that one member of MESS, supported by the group, worked very hard to get the Rec registered as an asset of community value, again something that could have been done by a "friends of" but was not.  All of the issues mentioned above as well as reinstating the toilets were already on the agenda of Friends of Marple Orchard.

I think it is sad that only when another group like MESS Incredible Edible Marple proposes to do something positive to improve the Rec you raise objections.

I would like to respond to a number of your objections.

1. You are concerned about the number of violations of the Rec by drunks and vehicles.  I would have expected that there would be fewer problems because cars would be stopped by the trees, and I cannot see how the presence of trees will will make this any worse.  How would it be an invitation?

2. You state the "orchard will obstruct the view to incoming traffic from Oldknow Road."  This is just not true.  The trees will be planted over 50 feet (15m) from both Oldknow and Arkwright Roads at the corner, behind the line of the existing trees, which is clearly obvious from the map you received.  If there is any obstruction it will be from these existing trees, not from the orchard.

3. You also say the "Covenant states that the ground is for recreational use not for planting."  Again this is not correct.  The covenant says it must be used "solely as a public park or recreation ground" (page 1 line 6).  There is no mention of preventing planting, and clearly for it to be a park things must be planted there.

4. You say "Is it better for our children to play sports and have a place to socialise"? and I say yes it is much better and this is exactly what the orchard is designed to encourage.  We cannot go back 100 years, we need to go forward and create parks and recreation areas that the current generation will use.  You also say "it will come in conflict with football ground" but again this not the case.  If you look at the map, you will see that the trees will be over 30 feet (10m) from the end of the pitch which was marked out for under 16 football.

5. You clearly think there are too many trees, but they will only occupy 4.5% of the area of the Rec and the trees will be spaced based on guidance from the Royal Horticultural Society, the grower supplying them, and the the council tree expert.  They will also be small trees, low enough for the apples to be picked without using ladders and with space between to allow sunlight to get to the fruit.  They will be much smaller that the existing trees, and further away from the road.  Finally, they will not encroach on any playing areas, sight lines or possible archaeological sites but instead be on a currently unused, featureless area of the Rec.

If you look on the council website about community orchards you will see how an orchard can enhance the community and bring greater use of the green space the orchard is part of.  I have also attached the latest version of the map with distances marked on it to help you understand the exact layout.

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: Friends of Marple REC
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2017, 12:09:09 PM »
Most of the residents around Rec have no problem with the orchard except that is an unwise location and the number of trees in orchard. (75). We suggested upper corner with 20 trees.

You forgot to mention that Chadkirk orchards is in secluded, fenced old garden. While Rec is in centre of the Marple open space and frequently violated day or night by motorbikes, cars and drunken people on their way to train station or Roman lakes. The proposed place for orchard will be invitation for this kind of behaviour. 

Also orchard will obstruct the view to incoming traffic from Oldknow Road. The junction with Arkwright Road is already dangerous.

For last 100 years it was used as playground and ground for games/sports.  (Covenant states that the ground is for recreational use not for planting. Exception was during 2WW when it was used for growing veg.)

 Once drained Rec can be revived to its old use as many generation of Marple residents remember.

Is it better for our children to play sports and have a place to socialise or in lack of facilities to wander around without purpose?

This is today’s article from BBC.  Public parks in danger of falling into neglect, warn MPs


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Re: Friends of Marple REC
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2017, 09:36:11 PM »
What a MESS.


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Re: Friends of Marple REC
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2017, 07:58:39 PM »
I find it disappointing that the orchard proposal is being delayed and possibly scaled back. I thought that this would be an enhancement to a featureless area. Surely we need more trees and greenery, that is what parks are for, to enjoy nature. The community orchard in Chadkirk is very popular with people picking apples for pies and cider.

If they can sort the drains out, it would be used more by walkers and is much quieter than the Memorial Park and this should be reflected in its future plan.


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Re: Friends of Marple REC
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2017, 06:00:54 AM »
I've been saying for years that Marple REC needs a Friends Group and have been pleased to give @sanya some advice on how to get started.

Here are a couple of earlier threads about the Recreation Ground:

Toilets on Marple Rec to become a Barber Shop!:

Marple " Rec" Recreational ground

Councillor @CllrKennyBlair has posted a brief statement about the Community Orchard on Twitter:

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Friends of Marple REC
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2017, 08:57:09 AM »
The REC use to be a thriving place, where both young and old, Scouts, Beaver, Rainbow’s, Guides, local football /rugby clubs and schools, used to come and enjoy the park regardless of weather or the season.
I believe that many people from Marple would like to support this group and get involved in finding the solution for its main problem. This is the flooding due to the unsolved drainage issue. The next task will be to reinstall the goal post and yet again to be used as a local football ground. Last but not least, to find funds to revive the children’s playground.
I would appreciate your comments, suggestions and of course your interest in getting involved with this group once it’s formalised in near future. I would be grateful for any help and expertise with starting this group.

-This is my initial letter to Wayne Bardsley / Stockport Greenspace Project Officer.

Dear Mr Bardsley,
My name is Sanya Furniss and I live in 30 Oldknow Road, Marple. 
This past Sunday I visited Oldknow, St Martins, Strines and Arkwright Road households with the initial idea of starting the “Friends of Marple REC”.
I had an overwhelming response. I currently have 18 signed households which is around 80% of all of the residents that were at home.
Very soon, I’m planning to visit more local residents, Brabyns School, the local Scouts/Guides, Marple Athletic Football and post the idea on local Marple Forum website.
All of the local residents agreed that our initial and priority agenda will be:
1.     A survey of the flooded REC,
2.     Draining the REC of water,
3.     Reinstalling the goal post,
4.     Reviving the playground.
The REC is regularly mowed during the spring/summer time, therefore there is no questions of issues with the park maintenance. 
While discussing with local residents, I have asked for their opinion regarding proposed orchard.  The majority felt that there would be far too many trees (75) and the location was not a wise choice.  In respect of reviving the REC, it will come in conflict with football ground and in relation to the covenant, it could become breach.
More or less, everybody suggested the upper part of the REC’s corner which would be more appealing with its current bench and that not 75 but 10 or 20 would be more appropriate.
This orchard project has caused many unhappy residents around REC. This leads me to not understand why the MESS project leaders are still claiming that they have support from residents around REC without prior consolation.
The truth is, only two locals have sponsored a tree and one volunteered to sledgehammer the posts for them but not to help with maintenance in the long term as MESS is claiming!
A few residents have raised the valid concern that the orchard would be an obstruction of the view of incoming traffic from Oldknow Road connecting to Arkwright Road regardless of the height of the trees.
Overall, there is very strong support from the whole Marple community in reviving the REC to its previous use where generations of people and families in Marple spent their recreational days.
Recently, I was advised by Mark Whittaker on how to start formalising this group and of course to have conversation with you in near future. 
Unfortunately, I have missed the opportunity to talk to you yesterday afternoon as I was told by my neighbour that you were surveying the proposed orchard ground.
Best regards,
Sanya Furniss
01612928149 / 07929094482