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Author Topic: Post Office Marple  (Read 39334 times)

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Re: Post Office Marple
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2017, 12:00:30 PM »
I haven't seen the booklet but I have seen the poster in the window.  If you want a simple message, you would write "the Post Office are proposing" as opposed to "the operator of this branch, after liaison with their business manager at Post Office Counters Ltd, are proposing..."

The truth will be a lot less clear to put in a leaflet and poster.

I am assuming my version is the truth, but it seems unlikely that the Post Office as an organisation would know or care about spare units next to Asda, would propose a move AND compel the business that runs the post office to move location.  This feels more like a business decision by the operator (hey I could be wrong, but wording on a poster and in a booklet isn't evidence to me as it's just wording.)
If you go to the website i posted with code you can read the notice online .


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Re: Post Office Marple
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2017, 09:20:31 AM »
Has anybody actually asked the operators of the Post Office what they think is happening.  I'd go and do so but am too busy for a week or so.  All this speculation is just that.


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Re: Post Office Marple
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2017, 06:32:43 AM »
And a smaller shop which is more conveniant for parking undercover sugest you pick up a copy of the two page brochue and read it ,it does say that we the post office are
  proposing to move this branch to unit 2 the ridgedale centre .

I haven't seen the booklet but I have seen the poster in the window.  If you want a simple message, you would write "the Post Office are proposing" as opposed to "the operator of this branch, after liaison with their business manager at Post Office Counters Ltd, are proposing..."

The truth will be a lot less clear to put in a leaflet and poster.

I am assuming my version is the truth, but it seems unlikely that the Post Office as an organisation would know or care about spare units next to Asda, would propose a move AND compel the business that runs the post office to move location.  This feels more like a business decision by the operator (hey I could be wrong, but wording on a poster and in a booklet isn't evidence to me as it's just wording.)


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Re: Post Office Marple
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2017, 11:02:02 PM »
Given most post offices are basically franchises, I am assuming that a) the current owners are behind this move (rather than the Post Office itself) and that they will continue to operate the newly relocated Post Office.  Thus I have to say I wouldn't personally expect much difference, just in a different location!

Perhaps I am being a tad cynical though!
And a smaller shop which is more conveniant for parking undercover sugest you pick up a copy of the two page brochue and read it ,it does say that we the post office are
  proposing to move this branch to unit 2 the ridgedale centre .


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Re: Post Office Marple
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2017, 10:44:56 PM »
So the old Blockbuster unit! I hope the charity shop might find another premises as it's always a good browse (especially the LPs), but the unit does look poor for a prime spot with the old signage still up. Hopefully the new Post Office might also be geared more towards dealing with actual Post Office customers too, rather than an obstacle course between an odd selection of tat to get to the under-staffed counter at the back.

Given most post offices are basically franchises, I am assuming that a) the current owners are behind this move (rather than the Post Office itself) and that they will continue to operate the newly relocated Post Office.  Thus I have to say I wouldn't personally expect much difference, just in a different location!

Perhaps I am being a tad cynical though!


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Re: Post Office Marple
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2017, 05:04:00 PM »
Any one want to fill the consultation in .GO TO POSTOFFICEVIEWS.CO.UK .ENTER NO 20443299. And fill the rest in .


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Re: Post Office Marple
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2017, 10:17:10 AM »
So the old Blockbuster unit! I hope the charity shop might find another premises as it's always a good browse (especially the LPs), but the unit does look poor for a prime spot with the old signage still up. Hopefully the new Post Office might also be geared more towards dealing with actual Post Office customers too, rather than an obstacle course between an odd selection of tat to get to the under-staffed counter at the back.

This makes the sorting office closure nothing to worry about at all, especially as the opening hours here for picking up parcels will be so much better. Hopefully that land will be freed up for a good modest retail development to help boost the main precinct.

The only downside is it leaves the lower end of Marple with less of a regular draw. But with Beer Traders and others, perhaps it's already finding a new lease of life. (More trees down the end and more use of the wide pavement for seating could transform it)


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Re: Post Office Marple
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2017, 04:16:50 PM »
Hi Amazon,

You'll see in my quote that it reads:-

"I asked which unit they refer to and it is the one that is currently used as a charity furniture shop".

This was direct from one of the ladies who works behind the counter of The Post Office on Stockport Road.

Hope that helps.



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Re: Post Office Marple
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2017, 02:55:41 PM »
We have just been in the Post office to do a transaction and have picked up a leaflet about the proposed move.
At the moment it is classed as a 6 week 'Public Consultation - Branch Relocation' period (which started on 15th August).
The, 4 sided A4, leaflet also says 'I am pleased to tell you that if the move goes ahead, subject to consultation, the new premises which is currently empty will undergo a refurbishment to incorporate cards, stationery & gifts'.
I asked which unit they refer to and it is the one that is currently used as a charity furniture shop.
The leaflet gives several ways of contacting the relevant people so that you can express your opinion.
If anyone needs any more information I suggest picking up a leaflet next time you are passing Marple Post Office - as there is too much for me to put on here.
But there is no unit empty on that row .


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Re: Post Office Marple
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2017, 02:12:18 PM »
If, as has been suggested, undelivered post and parcels are to be left at the Post Office for collection after the Royal Mail move, then it makes perfect sense for them to move to somewhere where parking is freely available.


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Re: Post Office Marple
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2017, 12:17:11 PM »
We have just been in the Post office to do a transaction and have picked up a leaflet about the proposed move.
At the moment it is classed as a 6 week 'Public Consultation - Branch Relocation' period (which started on 15th August).
The, 4 sided A4, leaflet also says 'I am pleased to tell you that if the move goes ahead, subject to consultation, the new premises which is currently empty will undergo a refurbishment to incorporate cards, stationery & gifts'.
I asked which unit they refer to and it is the one that is currently used as a charity furniture shop.
The leaflet gives several ways of contacting the relevant people so that you can express your opinion.
If anyone needs any more information I suggest picking up a leaflet next time you are passing Marple Post Office - as there is too much for me to put on here.

the rover

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Re: Post Office Marple
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2017, 06:34:56 AM »
There is a notice in the Post Office window about this. They are proposing to move to Unit 2 which I think is the one that is between Mellors and the Charity shop. Whether they are keeping the shop on Stockport Road and just moving the Post Office part, I don't know.


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Post Office Marple
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2017, 10:07:45 PM »
Anyone heard that the post office is opening a unit in one of the shops next to Asda? The people of Smithy court have had letters about this. Anyone else had info?