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Author Topic: Hibbert Lane Section 278 Highway Works  (Read 11758 times)

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Hibbert Lane Section 278 Highway Works
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2017, 05:01:47 PM »
I, and presumably others, have received a letter from Stockport MBC outlining the various works that are being planned for the roads affected by the Morris Homes development on Hibbert Lane.  Whilst most are fairly inconsequential I cannot for the life of me understand why they are proposing to put a load more speed bumps along Hibbert Lane.  I thought that councils were meant to be removing speed bumps.  There are far more imaginative ways of traffic calming that are less onerous on the environment and the residents than having speed bumps.  They should be looking at chicanes and road narrowing etc to slow the flow of traffic.  Why is Stockport MBC stuck in the stoneage when it comes to traffic planning?