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Author Topic: Park Car Park Charges  (Read 19319 times)

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Malcolm Allan

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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #55 on: May 25, 2018, 08:27:36 PM »
A reply from me, as best I can, to Admin’s question. When the proposals were published, a number of councillors raised objections, including the need to consult more widely, and a very small number of us met the Cabinet member responsible, Cllr Sheila Bailey. I guess she felt we were representing our residents and didn’t feel the need for a wide consultation, I’m not sure. I had certainly imagined she might do something more than meet us. I’d encouraged community groups to write to her at this stage which I know some did (MBA for example did a very good letter). This was influential, I’m sure in changing the proposals, but we were not successful at stopping the increase. The matter then came up as part of the proposed Council budget for next year – the additional charges represent additional income to balance the books. The Lib Dem group proposed amendments to the budget (the only group to do so) and this specifically included a freeze on car parking charges in “District centres” like Marple. I actually spoke in the meeting and asked Sheila specifically is she’d freeze the charges given she had committed to a review of District Centres – it seemed logical to me to do a review first and assess what effect an increase might have, even if this meant a change in the long run. This amendment was one of a block we proposed, which would overall, we argued, have saved the Council money as we linked it to some savings. This amendment was not voted for by enough Councillors to get passed, and after that, enough voted for the budget to get the increase in parking charges passed.
In the fine detail, and in simplified terms, the changes involve a new set of charges for Stockport Town Centre, which charges more already than places like Marple. The proposal to start charging on free car parks, like the one by the Midland, was withdrawn after our representations, and the proposal to make the first two hours cost 50p (thus 50p becoming the minimum charge) was adjusted, also after representations, to an extra 10p per hour (30p being the minimum charge).

Victor M

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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #54 on: May 24, 2018, 05:22:55 PM »
The charges were passed at the budget meeting where the Conservative Councillors all voted with Labour, so I wonder if any of them will respond on this forum?


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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #53 on: May 24, 2018, 08:27:25 AM »
I can recall the details but the proposed changes other than this small increase were dropped a couple of months ago.


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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #52 on: May 23, 2018, 09:06:11 PM »
Mrs Admin went to Marple today and reports that the minimum car parking fee is now 30p.

I understood that the parking fee changes had been put on hold pending further consultation.

Has that happened and we all missed it again?

Can anyone advise the full scope of changes and details of the process that has been gone through?

@Steve Gribbon
@Malcolm Allan
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2018, 03:10:56 PM »
Hello Admin.  Any chance of keeping the issue of Park Car Park Charges separate from road repairs etc, and could our Councillors spend less time blaming each other and more on trying to ensure any money collected at Park Car Parks goes into the upkeep of the Parks and isn't diverted into other schemes.



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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #50 on: February 03, 2018, 11:20:25 PM »
Re Geoff's contribution below, the Labour administration said from the very start that it would work openly and collaboratively with other groups to come to common solutions. Cllr Bailey has offered this all along on this issue – and she has now met with Liberal Democrats and done so. This could happened from the very start, but the Liberal Democrats chose to generate controversy and a petition, and then say Labour ‘backed down’ - Lisa Smart declared a great victory at a public meeting in Romiley that night. D.Trump comes to mind - This is disappointing, but not surprising.  Labour will continue to work openly in discussion with anyone and everyone.

I work with Sheila (Cllr Bailey) on many issues and praise her where it's due - e.g. on building more affordable housing via the Viaduct Housing Partnership.
However in this case there was no consultation, the plan was hastily put together, and "consultation" consisted of an announcement in a local paper.   She did back down (as she did on bins last year), and I am grateful.  I hope we'd do the same but not get into that position in the first place.

By the way, how's your residents parking scheme working out?


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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #49 on: February 03, 2018, 04:02:38 PM »
This is why I suggested a new topic of Park Car Park Charges.  I believe the money paid to park in our Park Car Parks goes into the Council's Highways Budget who then provide a small amount for the Greenspace pot. The Council then wastes money on Highways schemes such as the shared cycle and footpath on New Bridge Lane that no regular cyclist will use as it increases their travel time and is potentially dangerous, while giving insufficient money back to the Greenspace group to look after our parks etc.

It is the Parks that are attracting the people to park there, so  surely all the money collected on these Park Car Parks should go to the upkeep of the parks, otherwise the parks will deteriorate and fewer people will use them regardless of the noble efforts of the Friends group, who, I suggest, should also pressure the Council to change their policy. Currently the condition of Etherow Country Park is atrocious, and the route through Brabyns Park for ordinary pedestrians is unacceptable.  Surely it is the responsibility of Local Councillors to control how money is used and not just quote Stockport MBC policy.
Agree with you re etherow path from cafe up to the road it un walkable in parts they have done some of the path up to the small bridge .

chriswallis labour

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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2018, 11:32:06 AM »
Re Geoff's contribution below, the Labour administration said from the very start that it would work openly and collaboratively with other groups to come to common solutions. Cllr Bailey has offered this all along on this issue – and she has now met with Liberal Democrats and done so. This could happened from the very start, but the Liberal Democrats chose to generate controversy and a petition, and then say Labour ‘backed down’ - Lisa Smart declared a great victory at a public meeting in Romiley that night. D.Trump comes to mind - This is disappointing, but not surprising.  Labour will continue to work openly in discussion with anyone and everyone.


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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #47 on: February 03, 2018, 10:19:47 AM »
This is why I suggested a new topic of Park Car Park Charges.  I believe the money paid to park in our Park Car Parks goes into the Council's Highways Budget who then provide a small amount for the Greenspace pot. The Council then wastes money on Highways schemes such as the shared cycle and footpath on New Bridge Lane that no regular cyclist will use as it increases their travel time and is potentially dangerous, while giving insufficient money back to the Greenspace group to look after our parks etc.

It is the Parks that are attracting the people to park there, so  surely all the money collected on these Park Car Parks should go to the upkeep of the parks, otherwise the parks will deteriorate and fewer people will use them regardless of the noble efforts of the Friends group, who, I suggest, should also pressure the Council to change their policy. Currently the condition of Etherow Country Park is atrocious, and the route through Brabyns Park for ordinary pedestrians is unacceptable.  Surely it is the responsibility of Local Councillors to control how money is used and not just quote Stockport MBC policy.


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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #46 on: February 02, 2018, 08:35:19 PM »
You posted it as a separate topic but it isn't really, it is just approaching the same topic (of car parking charges) from a different angle.

Even the title was identical, so I have merged them.

@CllrGeoffAbell do you know the answer this this query?

I believe that the Labour exec member has backed off putting new charges on free car parking this week.  But yes, there is a highways pot and a greenspace budget too @CTCREP - ultimately local government finance is still being strangled.


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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2018, 01:38:59 PM »
Why not create an scheme for Stockport residents' (some kind of sticker/ID card/tag etc) obtainable with proof of address that allows them to park with a discount. Anyone outside Stockport (e.g. new Mills)  can park there but at a 200% hike.

Interesting idea, Howard. These things usually have a negative knock-on effect of parking on residential streets instead. Not sure how much in this case though.

The near-complete lack of parking around New Mills Central is also a problem of course. Fewer trains to/from Strines (which does have a car park) doesn't help either.


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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #44 on: January 30, 2018, 10:00:28 AM »
OK Mark.

Re where does the money go that is paid into the Car Parks?

I have just had an email from the Council's Parks representative concerning the footpath through Brabyns Park from Compstall to Marple Station etc.  It implies that any improvements to the surface, which could result in reducing pressure on the Station Car Park etc, by promoting the Government's directive to encourage walking and cycling, will be dependent on the doubtful generosity of Highways Department who, I believe, receive the funds from the Park Car Parks. So many of the Council's Highways" projects are ill considered and a waste of money that this chasing the money created by the Parks through the Highways' Department gives the Council every opportunity to hide their lack of understanding of what is required in this Borough.


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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #43 on: January 29, 2018, 08:21:44 PM »
Intended Car Park Charges to be a new topic, perhaps Admin can rearrange it.

You posted it as a separate topic but it isn't really, it is just approaching the same topic (of car parking charges) from a different angle.

Even the title was identical, so I have merged them.

@CllrGeoffAbell do you know the answer this this query?
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #42 on: January 29, 2018, 07:27:11 PM »
 Intended Car Park Charges to be a new topic, perhaps Admin can rearrange it.


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Re: Park Car Park Charges
« Reply #41 on: January 29, 2018, 07:07:45 PM »
I believe that the money collected for parking in Etherow Country Park, and this will probably apply to all Park Car Parks, goes into a general Highways fund - perhaps someone can clarify this.

If this is the case then the Council, which now relies on volunteers to keep the Parks presentable and so encourage more car people to visit the park, is raking of the car park charges to use for other, often money wasting, highways projects, while the parks themselves are steadily deteriorating because of there being no Park Wardens to do the jobs the volunteers cannot cope with.