Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers in Marple Bridge

Author Topic: Brabyns Park Path  (Read 10553 times)

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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2018, 02:06:35 PM »
Of course nobody wants to use it in its present condition, although many still do.  However I know of at least one person who is happy to cycle from the Compstall end to the Pavilion in the Park during the summer but not when it is full of mud and puddles, and so now drives from the Compstall Rd entrance to the park down to Marple Bridge and back up to the Pavilion.  I am not aware of any other urban park in Stockport where the main routes through the park are in such unacceptable condition.

Please do not fall into the trap of thinking that if no one uses it now (which is untrue) therefore no one will use it if it were improved.


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2018, 03:08:45 PM »
I understand that some money has been set aside to improve footpaths in Stockport. Quite obviously to those of us who live in the vicinity of Brabyns Park many of the footpaths are in dire need of improvement.   For many years I have been trying to get the route from Compstall through the Park improved with little result apart from a few odd patches of major puddles.  At a recent meeting with Stockport's Green Space Manager his opinion of the path from the Iron Bridge up to the pavilion is that it is
"Aesthetically Pleasing" !!!

The route from Compstall through to the Station and beyond should be useable by everyday pedestrians, particularly as we are supposed to be encouraging walking instead of driving to a station with limited parking.

Hopefully everyone will make this clear to our Councillors who should instruct the Council on where the priories lie so we don't find relatively obscure footpaths made "Aesthetically Pleasing" and we still have to plough through the mud to get to Marple.
There is not enough people use it who wants to walk through there at night .never mind day time .


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2018, 02:16:30 PM »
I understand that some money has been set aside to improve footpaths in Stockport. Quite obviously to those of us who live in the vicinity of Brabyns Park many of the footpaths are in dire need of improvement.   For many years I have been trying to get the route from Compstall through the Park improved with little result apart from a few odd patches of major puddles.  At a recent meeting with Stockport's Green Space Manager his opinion of the path from the Iron Bridge up to the pavilion is that it is
"Aesthetically Pleasing" !!!

The route from Compstall through to the Station and beyond should be useable by everyday pedestrians, particularly as we are supposed to be encouraging walking instead of driving to a station with limited parking.

Hopefully everyone will make this clear to our Councillors who should instruct the Council on where the priories lie so we don't find relatively obscure footpaths made "Aesthetically Pleasing" and we still have to plough through the mud to get to Marple.


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2018, 01:59:58 PM »
I mean the narrow path just below the tennis courts and alongside the railway on the upper side.  It was apparently extremely muddy yesterday but I have not seen it myself.

the rover

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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2018, 09:15:14 AM »
I am told that the path which comes out just above the station, which is a much more pleasant way of going there than by the busy road, is currently almost unusable due to mud.  There would appear to be problems with the drainage.

If you are referring to the path which leaves the car park and runs alongside the railway to Brabyns Brow, then it is usable as I walked along it on Wednesday and there was hardly any mud on it.


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2018, 08:43:22 AM »
I am told that the path which comes out just above the station, which is a much more pleasant way of going there than by the busy road, is currently almost unusable due to mud.  There would appear to be problems with the drainage.


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2018, 10:58:24 PM »
The path has now been cleared.


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2018, 04:15:29 PM »
I reported this to the 'contracts manager' in the site office in Brabyns Park Yesterday.
He said he would email the tree officer.


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Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2018, 03:23:45 PM »
The path over the railway bridge in Brabyns Park is virtually closed to anyone with a push chair, cycle etc.  A tree has fallen down by the bridge, and although some branches have been cut off, presumably for railway safety, there has been no attempt to make a passage through for encumbered pedestrians.