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Author Topic: Brabyns Park Path  (Read 10542 times)

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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #39 on: April 07, 2019, 07:50:58 PM »
Thanks Steve

I believe it is still attached by one chain so that it can't float away too far, but once in place it really needs better security.  Nothing more than a bit of chain etc and a battery powered drill needed to sort it.

If in the mood, then the Council's redundant irritating barriers could be used to reinforce the embankment on the riverside path.
A thank you to steve from me as well .a few burly firemen .should sort.


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #38 on: April 07, 2019, 07:02:36 PM »
Thanks Steve

I believe it is still attached by one chain so that it can't float away too far, but once in place it really needs better security.  Nothing more than a bit of chain etc and a battery powered drill needed to sort it.

If in the mood, then the Council's redundant irritating barriers could be used to reinforce the embankment on the riverside path.

Steve Gribbon

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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2019, 08:13:48 PM »
I’m more than happy to muck in and help out with the bridge if it means getting this sorted.



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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #36 on: April 05, 2019, 07:54:15 PM »
I have met with Cllr Gribbon and prospective Cllr Senior who have promised to look into the situation concerning Rollins Lane.  At the time I was unaware that the Council appear only to have patched a section of the path in Brabyns Park which within a year is likely to be just as bad as it was before.  As has been mentioned previously, the Council have spent a large proportion of a Flood Repair Grant on little used bridleways and footpaths in the Mellor Strines area that are simply suffering from normal erosion, whereas the path in Brabyns does suffer from flooding but which the Council does not consider worth improving properly.

During the same discussion I raised the problem of the bridge by Keg Pool. That too they will consider.  Shortly after the meeting I went up to see the current situation concerning the bridge.  I met a member of the Friends of Etherow Country Park who said they had been told that heavy lifting gear would be needed to reposition the bridge. (This is the standard ploy of the Council, find the most expensive way of doing anything and then say they can't afford it). As I saw that the bridge had been dragged out of the mud, but taken no further, I later respectively suggested to Cllr Gribbon that perhaps, as a fireman, he could get three others of his colleagues to put the bridge back in place. Otherwise any similar group of fit people could do it for us.  Any offers?
Thanks for info lifting gear required load of .........six men at least to move only wants lifting across and fixing so it cant be washed away again .then i supose it will need a hand rail
elf and safety .i was down there yesterday took some photos .


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #35 on: April 05, 2019, 05:39:57 PM »
While composing my previous reply an email must have been on the way from Stockport's Neighbourhood Officer saying:-

Thank you for your continued interest in Rollins Lane.
However, nothing has changed since we last discussed either the availability and prioritisation of funding or the works that are planned in/around Brabyns Park.
The works to the footpath in the park between the Recreation Centre and the Iron Bridge are not yet complete, the entire length will be improved. The path is also being raised in the section highlighted in the attached photos (shown here when in flood).
The route between Brabyns Park Car Park and the Recreation Centre and also on the unadopted stretch of Rollins Lane beyond the Iron Bridge will have the potholes filled and levelled.
With regards,

So some good news, and an apology for assuming the present patch was all that was going to be done.  But, when walking through Brabyns Park you reach the Iron Bridge you can go no further if you don't want to get muddy.  We still have to get Rollins Lane surfaced properly if we are to make any real improvement to the area.


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2019, 05:19:18 PM »
I have met with Cllr Gribbon and prospective Cllr Senior who have promised to look into the situation concerning Rollins Lane.  At the time I was unaware that the Council appear only to have patched a section of the path in Brabyns Park which within a year is likely to be just as bad as it was before.  As has been mentioned previously, the Council have spent a large proportion of a Flood Repair Grant on little used bridleways and footpaths in the Mellor Strines area that are simply suffering from normal erosion, whereas the path in Brabyns does suffer from flooding but which the Council does not consider worth improving properly.

During the same discussion I raised the problem of the bridge by Keg Pool. That too they will consider.  Shortly after the meeting I went up to see the current situation concerning the bridge.  I met a member of the Friends of Etherow Country Park who said they had been told that heavy lifting gear would be needed to reposition the bridge. (This is the standard ploy of the Council, find the most expensive way of doing anything and then say they can't afford it). As I saw that the bridge had been dragged out of the mud, but taken no further, I later respectively suggested to Cllr Gribbon that perhaps, as a fireman, he could get three others of his colleagues to put the bridge back in place. Otherwise any similar group of fit people could do it for us.  Any offers?


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #33 on: March 25, 2019, 04:35:40 PM »
Strangely RSH I have just done that, at least to a potential Councillor  who is about to have a meeting with Council officials concerning roads and who has promised to bring up the subject. 

Let us hope she will not simply accept whatever excuse the Council has for not catering for those who want to use Rollins Lane as an acceptable off road route between Compstall and Marple and who wish to support the Government's desire to encourage walking and cycling.
Ask him about the Bridge at the keg thats still not been done .thats a walking route .


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2019, 04:18:34 PM »
Strangely RSH I have just done that, at least to a potential Councillor  who is about to have a meeting with Council officials concerning roads and who has promised to bring up the subject. 

Let us hope she will not simply accept whatever excuse the Council has for not catering for those who want to use Rollins Lane as an acceptable off road route between Compstall and Marple and who wish to support the Government's desire to encourage walking and cycling.


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #31 on: March 18, 2019, 03:27:20 PM »
Had a look at the adopted highways map. Notable that the road through Windybottom Farm, Strines isn’t an adopted highway but this didn’t stop Stockport MBC spending a load of funding on an expensive Flexipave resurfacing last year to fix long-standing flooding and mud issues.

That’s because it’s also a public right if way, a bridleway. Like Rollins Lane.

So CTCREP probably has a point if the condition of Rollins Lane is a barrier to people using it. Maybe just go and read something else if you don’t care for the subject. And CTCREP, write to your councillors again.


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #30 on: March 18, 2019, 09:52:10 AM »
As the road acts is a highway and is available for use by the public (i.e it is not gated or closed for public use at any time), SMBC could (if they felt it necessary and dangerous) upgrade the route to a suitable standard, despite it being a private road. All highway authorities have these powers. They could also adopt as part of the same process.

One can only assume that they do not feel that the potential for users to geta bit muddy warrants the use of such powers or the costs that it would entail.


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #29 on: March 18, 2019, 07:30:45 AM »
Well all these comments should stop CTCREP (an organisation that no longer exists in that name anyway) calling for Rolling Lane to be upgraded for at least a month.


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2019, 06:49:42 AM »
Serious question (and this I think is actually CTCREP's point), what is stopping Stockport Council from adopting Rollins Lane so that it can maintain it?

Most important is that the owner must want the road to be adopted, and do the paperwork.

But also important is that the road must be of a suitable standard.  I.e. adoption is not a way to get the council to fix problems. It has to be in a good state before.

Certainly it will cost to bring it up to spec for adoption.


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2019, 06:40:30 AM »
In case there be any doubt, ANY DOUBT at all, this link gives you a map of all the adopted roads that Stockport council has responsibility for.

Anyone looking at this map can quickly see that Rollins Lane is not the responsibility of the council.  It does not have any legal responsibility - NOR LEGAL RIGHT - to maintain that road.

Serious question (and this I think is actually CTCREP's point), what is stopping Stockport Council from adopting Rollins Lane so that it can maintain it?


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #26 on: March 17, 2019, 10:30:41 PM »
In case there be any doubt, ANY DOUBT at all, this link gives you a map of all the adopted roads that Stockport council has responsibility for.

Anyone looking at this map can quickly see that Rollins Lane is not the responsibility of the council.  It does not have any legal responsibility - NOR LEGAL RIGHT - to maintain that road.

Even if - for some reason - they decided they wanted to upgrade Rollins Lane, they do not have ANY legal right to do so.  The people responsible for the maintenance of Rollins Lane are the owners of Rollins Lane.  Whoever they may be.  The council cannot - will not - do anything.   The council doing anything to Rollins Lane would be equivalent of the Council marching into my privately owned house and deciding to redo my kitchen.  CTCREP, you may be happy with the council walking in to my house and re-doing my kitchen.  But I am certainly not.


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Re: Brabyns Park Path
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2019, 08:53:10 PM »

Why do you continually go on but Rolling Lane, you have been told many many times by both council officers, elected members and member of the public here that Rolling Lane is in private ownership and the local authority does not have the fund to upgrade it. Further for ever private road you lobby to have upgraded what you are really suggesting is that the public funds should be diverted from using for the public good on public roads to just benefit the owners of private roads. It is wilfully ignorant to continue to ignore the answer you have been given dozens of times.