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Author Topic: Speedbumps on Windlehurst Road / Hibbert Lane  (Read 10931 times)

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Re: Speedbumps on Windlehurst Road / Hibbert Lane
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2018, 10:12:35 AM »
Thanks for this opportuntiy admin. I was very involved in the campaign to get a speed limit and weight restriction on Church Lane. Despite signage - inadequate - we still get several 7.5 tonners a day up the road and we had a ten ton crane up there recently that was too wide for the road. I've had some success calling the owners of the trucks and explaining the problem, and lots, like Crowfoots, have taken it on board and instructed their drivers to go up Stockport Rd and right into Hibbert Lane. The one company I had serious problems with was the company that runs the yellow school buses- Stagecoach? - who instructed their drivers not to talk to me if I flagged them down - which I always do if I can. The police sorted them out.

As a result of our campaign the Lib Dem Council and ACM - that rather raucous one involving the reversal of direction at the car park behind the Carver which demonstrated that the councillors were very unused to dealing with concerned crowds of 250 people - agreed a speed limit of 20mph but they didn't have the £6k to implement it - it was to be bounded by Cross Lane., Buxton Lane, Hibbert Lane and Stockport Rd. I've asked Kenny Blair to chase it several times but he has failed to get back to me.

If I get elected I will press for a 20mph limit across Marple with the exception of Stockport Rd which has enough traffic lights to slow stuff down except at night. The 20mph limit  in residential areas is very common now in London, and Manchester adopted a policy in 2012 of rolling them out as an experiment across Gorton, Miles Platting, Newton Heath, Moss Side and Fallowfield. There's an evaluation from late last year which shows a reduction in casualties, and that they are starting 'sense of place' evaluation on the local communities. I've put a link at the bottom of the post. Policing the limit is done by random checks - as anyone driving along the Hyde road into Gorton knows only too well - and they're very effective. The 'sense of place' idea is to check that residents support and feel ownership of the limit, and will try to enforce it socially. They havve a poster people can download, print and put in their windows. Link also below.

I am currently thoroughly against speed bumps because (a) they don't work , they merely encourage drivers to develop strategies to supervene them, (b) they cause pollution (c) they can damage your car if it's an unfamiliar road. I am thoroughly in favour of cameras, random police checks and residents support. I have thought for some time it would be useful to have a speed camera app on your iphone. I am,however, committed to evidence based policy, and if the evidence overall is that speed bumps are the most economical and effective way of reducing speed allowing for a full costing of their disadvantages, I will support them. But I have seen no research that supports this.

1) Rather than just moan about it (or just accept it) @ColinMac and others have tried to see alternatives.  We saw how Bedford did it with average speed cameras.
in their first deployment, the average on a main road through a village went from 47 mph to 31 mph - you can visibly see them slowing down.

2) High Lane (off the main roads) is a 20 mph zone and it does work, though not with everyone.  Enforcement is a problem.

3) The consultation for Windlehurst was on with residents on the road itself - and they wanted less traffic.  Speed was secondary.

4) Councillor Sue Ingham got residents parking on Church Lane which helps.  Although when are Labour-controlled Stockport Council going to repair the roads of Marple South under the Lib Dem-started Highways Improvement programme?


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Re: Speedbumps on Windlehurst Road / Hibbert Lane
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2018, 10:47:17 PM »
The biggest question with 20mph speed limits is... do they do any good at all?

Studies suggest that actually when it comes to speed reduction, they don't do that much - at least to this Guardian article:

And in Manchester, well the results weren't brilliant.

it tallies with my experience on the road near my parents house.  It is a 20mph zone.  Goodness knows why - never worked out what that council (not Stockport) had in mind as its reasoning.  Anyway, it has all the gadgets, including one of those laser display boards that tell you how fast you're going.

Thanks to that, I know how rare it is to see people going at 20mph.  Indeed one evening I saw a police car on the road - without its blue lights flashing - zooming down at around 35mph!

The biggest problem is that a huge swathe of the population do not consider speeding to be a crime.  Just go on any motorway to see evidence of that.  If you're willing to speed down the M60 at 85 mph (it is possible sometimes to do that) why would you respect a 20mph zone?  Hey, I used to live near a road that was a 30mph zone full of speed-bumps and you'd be amazed at how many people went down it at 50mph at night time... 

chriswallis labour

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Re: Speedbumps on Windlehurst Road / Hibbert Lane
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2018, 10:31:55 PM »
Cyberman you have a very good point, but Manchester seem to have managed it and if you read the report they don't think it's an expensive thing to do.


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Re: Speedbumps on Windlehurst Road / Hibbert Lane
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2018, 07:26:43 PM »
If I get elected I will press for a 20mph limit across Marple with the exception of Stockport Rd which has enough traffic lights to slow stuff down except at night.

Who will enforce that? Sorry to sound negative but after the cuts to the police force enforcement of the 30mph limit is a joke. As is enforcement of the law to have insurance and road tax.

chriswallis labour

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Re: Speedbumps on Windlehurst Road / Hibbert Lane
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2018, 02:09:41 PM »
Thanks for this opportuntiy admin. I was very involved in the campaign to get a speed limit and weight restriction on Church Lane. Despite signage - inadequate - we still get several 7.5 tonners a day up the road and we had a ten ton crane up there recently that was too wide for the road. I've had some success calling the owners of the trucks and explaining the problem, and lots, like Crowfoots, have taken it on board and instructed their drivers to go up Stockport Rd and right into Hibbert Lane. The one company I had serious problems with was the company that runs the yellow school buses- Stagecoach? - who instructed their drivers not to talk to me if I flagged them down - which I always do if I can. The police sorted them out.

As a result of our campaign the Lib Dem Council and ACM - that rather raucous one involving the reversal of direction at the car park behind the Carver which demonstrated that the councillors were very unused to dealing with concerned crowds of 250 people - agreed a speed limit of 20mph but they didn't have the £6k to implement it - it was to be bounded by Cross Lane., Buxton Lane, Hibbert Lane and Stockport Rd. I've asked Kenny Blair to chase it several times but he has failed to get back to me.

If I get elected I will press for a 20mph limit across Marple with the exception of Stockport Rd which has enough traffic lights to slow stuff down except at night. The 20mph limit  in residential areas is very common now in London, and Manchester adopted a policy in 2012 of rolling them out as an experiment across Gorton, Miles Platting, Newton Heath, Moss Side and Fallowfield. There's an evaluation from late last year which shows a reduction in casualties, and that they are starting 'sense of place' evaluation on the local communities. I've put a link at the bottom of the post. Policing the limit is done by random checks - as anyone driving along the Hyde road into Gorton knows only too well - and they're very effective. The 'sense of place' idea is to check that residents support and feel ownership of the limit, and will try to enforce it socially. They havve a poster people can download, print and put in their windows. Link also below.

I am currently thoroughly against speed bumps because (a) they don't work , they merely encourage drivers to develop strategies to supervene them, (b) they cause pollution (c) they can damage your car if it's an unfamiliar road. I am thoroughly in favour of cameras, random police checks and residents support. I have thought for some time it would be useful to have a speed camera app on your iphone. I am,however, committed to evidence based policy, and if the evidence overall is that speed bumps are the most economical and effective way of reducing speed allowing for a full costing of their disadvantages, I will support them. But I have seen no research that supports this.


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Re: Speedbumps on Windlehurst Road / Hibbert Lane
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2018, 01:24:54 PM »
I've broken these posts out from @ColinMac 's introductory thread as it's a subject that I'd like to hear all candidates' views on.

In my own view the new speed cushions on Windlehurst Road are horrendous, and the old ones on Hibbert Lane are dreadful too.

I often use Tomlinson Parbans for timber and building materials, they provide a really good service, but I'm starting to think twice about going now because in my relatively small car (a Ford BMax) these new humps are incredibly unpleasant to drive over and I'm sure they are damaging my vehicle too. I cannot drive over these cushions at 30mph, which is the speed limit on that road, in fact even at 20mph some of them are really difficult. The humps on Cross Lane I go over at around 20-25mph and they are fine - there is no comparison.

I've heard it said that they are there because that's what residents wanted but I can't believe they knew that they were actually getting this!

What can be done about it? What are other peoples' views on these measures? And what do existing and prospective Marple South and High Lane councillors think can or should be done?

@chriswallis labour
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Speedbumps on Windlehurst Road / Hibbert Lane
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2018, 12:29:27 PM »
It's not just "no bumps".  It's also what are the alternatives?  So I've been working with Colin to get an answer to that question.


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Re: Speedbumps on Windlehurst Road / Hibbert Lane
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2018, 11:30:07 AM »
Colin has ventured further into Marple now, to Hibbert Lane, where more speed cushions are planning:

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Speedbumps on Windlehurst Road / Hibbert Lane
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2018, 01:30:12 PM »
I thought that this what local residents wanted? I personally think that they are awful, they make the road look a mess and cause cars to constantly brake to go over them. Not to mention the noise and pollution that they are creating!


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Speedbumps on Windlehurst Road / Hibbert Lane
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2018, 07:29:07 AM »
Here's a video of candidate Colin Macalister talking about the speed bumps on Windlehurst / Hibbert Lane:


Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website