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Author Topic: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans  (Read 11767 times)

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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2018, 08:52:38 AM »
Signed for what it's worth.

Other public transport solutions are essential, building a new road will just lead to more traffic, more noise, and less countryside.

Where you WILL se more traffic, noise and pollution is when the Airport/A6 bypass opens and hoards of lorries and delivery vans start to drop off the new bypass in Hazel Grove and use Torkington Lane & Windlehurst to get through to the M60 via Bredbury. Folks will be crying out for a bypass then!

Will L

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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2018, 11:59:15 PM »

Honestly Trams won't work Marple isn't a feasible option there unfortunately without significant redesign. Even if they did we're looking at many years before they were to reach here. Then we take the rail option, again we'd need to actually see some iron political will to see it done as well as the money to approve it and that would take many years going off the progress of the electrification of the Manchester-Sheffield Line. Cycle routes are like trams, you want it done properly you'll need significant redesign and spending from the Council or TFGM. The Council is restricting spending year on year, and I haven't heard much from Burnham other than the proposing housing but nothing to solidly back that up.

Get it over with, let the road be finished up because seriously they're no longer other options that feasibly are going to make a difference.


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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2018, 10:49:35 AM »
So whats your solution .you wont have one

build the frickin' A6/M60 bypass. Henry's comments are spot on!


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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2018, 08:46:28 PM »
Signed for what it's worth.

Other public transport solutions are essential, building a new road will just lead to more traffic, more noise, and less countryside.
Your solution to not having the Bredbury bypass .


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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2018, 08:12:55 PM »
Signed for what it's worth.

Other public transport solutions are essential, building a new road will just lead to more traffic, more noise, and less countryside.


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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2018, 05:15:00 PM »
The traffic gridlock on Bents Lane and Marple Road has been shocking for as long as I can remember - 30+ years. This is not a new phenomenon and the poor residents of those areas have been suffering for so long they're probably resigned to putting up with it. I have met many people who used to live in Marple through work and the very first thing they always remark on, without exception, is how bad the traffic is. These are people who have to commute by car to different locations, and for whom public transport is rarely an option. It is often the main reason why they left the area.

New roads do improve traffic flow. The evidence / experience of this is obvious. Getting North to Ashton / Oldham / Rochdale / Bury etc is so much easier than before the M60 extension was completed. Journey times have been slashed provided you can get out of Bredbury. It's easy to forget how bad things were before the M60 was finished about 18 years ago. Go to Ashton Moss now for the cinema in the evening and you're looking at a 15 minute trip - it's fantastic. The M6 toll around Birmingham drives like a dream, especially compared to the old alternative. The new road to the airport should be similarly beneficial. It currently takes me an hour to get there in the morning which is patently ridiculous and simply unacceptable.

There will be objectors, there always are, but this road is long overdue.


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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2018, 04:39:09 PM »
Signed the petition. We cannot simply continue building roads "to relieve the traffic pressure". We need viable alternatives, not more roads
So whats your solution .you wont have one


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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2018, 04:31:58 PM »
Signed the petition. We cannot simply continue building roads "to relieve the traffic pressure". We need viable alternatives, not more roads

No one has yet come up with "Viable" alternatives. A cycle lane, some extra buses and a couple of trams won't even scratch the surface. Our dependence on cars and therefore roads is much deeper than a few folks trying to get to work and it's here to stay whether we like it or not. Crippling that system because of some kind of transport ideology will cause unmitigated collateral damage.


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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2018, 03:44:50 PM »
Signed the petition. We cannot simply continue building roads "to relieve the traffic pressure". We need viable alternatives, not more roads
NBT: Notoriously Bad Typist


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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2018, 01:29:00 PM »
I would also sign a counter petition. The requirement for this road is the most important local issue and has been for decades. It should have been built ages ago.


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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2018, 10:17:36 PM »
The phenomenon of induced traffic is well documented.  The bypass will not solve our traffic problems, and even those who advocate it admit that there would need to be  a High Lane/Disley bypass built as well to see any impact of the A6-M60 bypass.

We could argue all day about whether the bypass would solve our traffic problems.  There is plenty of evidence I could quote about induced traffic, but I'm sure many of us contributing to discussions on here are of an age where they have seen major roads built in their lifetimes - M60, A34 etc.  We know from our lived experience that these roads have only made traffic worse.  Building more roads is not the answer to our traffic problems.



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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2018, 10:01:32 PM »
Sign the petition. Carolyn is absolutely right.
Bluebells or bypass


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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2018, 09:03:40 PM »
There are many excellent ideas in the SEMMS refresh, which if implemented, would decrease car dependency and enable us to lower our carbon footprint.  We are facing a climate change emergency, and the many excellent suggestions for improved public transport and cycling and walking networks are to be applauded.  Unfortunately, the A6-M60 bypass, if built, would increase car dependency and destroy precious green spaces. 

Please sign and share the following petition asking our councillors to remove the bypass from the SEMMS refresh document:

I hope there is a counter-petition to ask that councillors to insist on the bypass. I'd sign that.


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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2018, 07:59:59 PM »
Sign the petition. Carolyn is absolutely right.


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Re: SEMMS refresh- petition to remove A6-M60 bypass from plans
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2018, 07:18:59 PM »
There are many excellent ideas in the SEMMS refresh, which if implemented, would decrease car dependency and enable us to lower our carbon footprint.  We are facing a climate change emergency, and the many excellent suggestions for improved public transport and cycling and walking networks are to be applauded.  Unfortunately, the A6-M60 bypass, if built, would increase car dependency and destroy precious green spaces. 

Please sign and share the following petition asking our councillors to remove the bypass from the SEMMS refresh document:
Do not sign the petition to remove the bypass from the SEMMS refresh document .we need a bypass in fact ask our councillors to get there fingers out and get on with it .