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Author Topic: Childrens' Education Area  (Read 1484 times)

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Re: Childrens' Education Area
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2019, 04:54:09 PM »
The felled trees have now been removed from the Education Area footpath,  so the riverside walk section is now useable. It is an attractive alternative to walking along the main path beside the sailing lake but few people use it as many are unaware of its existence. Even if they discover the entrance then they may be put off by the title "Childrens Education Area" and the fact that the entrance - down the cobbled track  - appears to lead down to an industrial area.  Please don't be put off because it deserves greater use and provides a pleasant picnic area although the Council has now removed the seating that was there. Most was fairly primitive and only suitable for Children rather than Adults.  Now it will probably need a bit more pressure on the Council to place a couple of seats down there, and how about a couple of swings. The Council really should be trying to improve the attractions within Etherow Country Park,  not simply allowing them to go back to nature, which has been their policy up to now. Please take a look, and if you have any influence over Stockport Council  then persuade them to take a positive attitude towards Etherow Country Park.


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Re: Childrens' Education Area
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2019, 01:54:00 PM »
Having now contacted the Council - the story is a long one -  here is the really essential part.  The relevant Council Officer is proposing the area should have the present seating removed and the area allowed to go back to its natural state, which in my view means stinging nettles and Himalayan Balsam.

I believe the Education Area  besides being useful for what its name implies, would also make make an ideal picnic area as well as another attractive walk alongside the river.

It would be helpful if others, particularly schools and similar groups, would take the same position and contact their Councillors etc to ensure parts of Etherow Country Park are not allowed to fall into decay.

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Childrens' Education Area
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2019, 12:57:09 PM »
"A story I was told, which may or may not be true, was that one of the wardens would frequently use his time educating the children but was told to stop doing so by whoever in the Council Office".

Probably 'Elf'n Safety' and "Stranger Danger" issues - can't have people talking to children.


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Childrens' Education Area
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2019, 07:19:10 PM »
The Childrens’ Education Area is/was a section of Etherow Country Park between the sailing lake and the river and which is now full of felled trees, so no longer fit for purpose.

During the time  when the park had more wardens part of the area had a ring of tree logs arranged to create a story telling area.  A story I was told, which may or may not be true, was that one of the wardens would frequently use his time educating the children but was told to stop doing so by whoever in the Council Office.

Anyway, those trees. During my contact with the Council concerning the fallen tree adjacent to Keg Pool that had taken half the path with it, I suggested all other trees in a similar situation around the pool should be cut down.  In the investigation both the Council Official and the Environment Agency mistook the Keg Pool for the Sailing Lake.

So is it possible the same mistake has happened again and the Childrens’ Education Area has become the unfortunate victim of this misunderstanding, and when will it be returned to its original purpose?