This is a misconception commonly claimed by Brexiters wishing to play down the achievements of the EU. The United Nations was established in the late 1940s to advance the cause of world peace. It now has nearly 200 members - most countries in the world. Sadly, many of these have been or are still at war with one another. The UN is a worthy organisation but it has never prevented war, unfortunately.
Who mentioned other countries "at war with one another"? I specifically mentioned Western Europe. Claims that the EU has prevented war in Western Europe carry no more weight than claims that the UN / NATO have prevented war in Western Europe. Don't try to change the subject.
You heard it here first, and then second, and then third... Dave continually seeks to trivialise someone being arrested by the police for selling in pounds and ounces by saying that it doesn't matter.
For every law against weights and measurements, there's another law that allows rampant Spanish fishermen to eviscerate North Sea fishing stocks (ours were rather good at conserving them properly), or a law against meat storage that sent loads of companies out of business, or a law that means women have to pay higher premiums for their life insurance even though it should be cheaper because they live longer, and more for their car insurance when statistically they have less accidents. But none of this matters, of course!