I really struggle with this working class tory schtick / daily mail playbook.
We bailed out the banks during a global recession, we've endured years of austerity that has decimated services, schools, lives and hope in may areas. Most of my working life has seen me pay considerable tax (high rate tax payer) but all the institutions we should hold dear broken down and sold off.
We're being told by millionaires and billionaires that we can't afford a decent health service, public transport comparable to other European countries and a progressive tax system where the richest will pay more. compared to what we have got and what has happened over the past decade i'm more than happy to chance a labour government.
From what I saw yesterday and in the leaders debates the day before Labour has a plan, has a vision and some hope - the other parties don't. You have 3 shades of Tory - the remain wing (libDem) the one nation group in the middle and the Far Right nutters (Brexit Party)
So, as i've said before, Brexit is the conclusion of anger and depression not caused by the EU but by the failed neo-liberal model. As such i'll be voting Labour on the 12th, will accept that i'll contribute a bit more but in return will live in a country that is generally more happy, has well funded schools, good clean transport and isn't the US' b**ch.
The people have allready voted to come out of europe .if labour get in and my god i hope not inflation will rocket masive unemployment strikes will be back on .you dont remember the last time do you or are you in another world .of milk and honey .