Quote from: wheels on November 10, 2019, 07:22:02 PM
I wonder why we don't have the blue passport brigade clamoring for us to leave the un-elected, un-accountable, undemocratic NATO.
Perhaps because NATO is not a political alliance, but a military one. Its raison d'etre died with the Soviet Union, but vested interests kept it going.
wheels, see above, I answered you two months ago. An entirely separate matter.
Can you explain why you want to take my and others citizenship away, why you what to remove my freedom of movement and for no measurable benefit.
Was this directed at me? If so, can you point me to where I said that, please?
A bit of light reading for Melancholy 😏. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/lseupr/2019/02/19/is-the-european-union-governed-by-unelected-bureaucrats/
Dave posts links without bothering to respond properly to what I've said. It's also clear he hasn't even read it properly. If he had, he'd note that the writer (apparently an LSE graduate - not exactly Michel Barnier), attempts to argue that the Commission is not an unelected bureaucracy, then in the next sentence admits that "technically" it is, er, an "unelected bureaucracy"!
I wonder what her class of degree was...
She confirms that the Commission proposes EU legislation. She also acknowledges that each Commissioner is appointed. So, in fact, there's nothing in the article which disproves anything I've said. It also helpfully confirms my previous point that the unelected Commission/civil service proposes legislation that is approved by the European Parliament, which is the wrong way round to the way we do it here in the UK.
I'd like to learn of any law passed in this country which was proposed by our civil service (Clue - You won't find one).
Try again, Dave