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Author Topic: Voting for Brexit  (Read 68653 times)

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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #195 on: February 01, 2020, 02:27:37 PM »
It’s OK Melancholy - now we are out of the clutches of the hated EU we are free to have bananas any shape we want  ;)

Seriously, Melancholy, metrication is a bad example to use, because the U.K. adopted the metric system in the mid 1960s, some years before we joined what was then the EEC.  But we still go out for a pint, and I weigh 13 stone ?? lb, and later today I’ll drive 12 miles to work. Ever bought vegetables by the etto in an Italian market? I think it’s about 3 ounces. The big bad EU is metric, but it’s also civilised and relaxed about local variations and traditions. But that’s not what the Daily Mail would have you believe, of course.  ::) 


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #194 on: February 01, 2020, 01:42:19 PM »
Fealty (noun): the feudal obligation by which the tenant or vassal was bound to be faithful to his lord;

That says it all, I think.   Fealty is vassalage - blind, unthinking obedience, the complete opposite of the freedom and democracy which is at the heart of the European Union.  The EU is a partnership of free countries, in which for the past seventy years, people have worked together to ensure that the bloodshed of the past 2,000 years will never happen again. 

Let's all be grateful that we don't live on Planet Condate.........  ::)

Oh, hello! We're back on "Planet Dave", where by implication any European country that is outside the EU is unwilling or unable to work for peace, and where laws such as the implementation of metric weights and measures that forced British shopkeepers to be prosecuted for selling in imperial measures are just one of many aspects of "working together" to avoid bloodshed!


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #193 on: February 01, 2020, 10:40:02 AM »
Our citizenship, like all citizenship, is about fealty. Our fealty is to the Queen. One thing about fealty is respecting the rights of others to own fealty to their lords.

Fealty (noun): the feudal obligation by which the tenant or vassal was bound to be faithful to his lord;

That says it all, I think.   Fealty is vassalage - blind, unthinking obedience, the complete opposite of the freedom and democracy which is at the heart of the European Union.  The EU is a partnership of free countries, in which for the past seventy years, people have worked together to ensure that the bloodshed of the past 2,000 years will never happen again. 

Let's all be grateful that we don't live on Planet Condate.........  ::)


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #192 on: January 31, 2020, 10:09:17 PM »

Our citizenship, like all citizenship, is about fealty. Our fealty is to the Queen. One thing about fealty is respecting the rights of others to own fealty to their lords.


If that is the extent of your argument, I really would give up now.

Fealty? Really? Is that the golden age of Britain that Brexit is going to provide for us again?


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #191 on: January 31, 2020, 08:55:32 PM »
Only a few hours to the loss of our freedoms and citizenship.  The racists are removing from us our rights and citizenship.

Who are the racists? Those of us who hate the EU and love Europe and Europeans (and those from the rest of the world too)? I fail to see how caring about all the people of Europe and the world is racist.

Our citizenship, like all citizenship, is about fealty. Our fealty is to the Queen. One thing about fealty is respecting the rights of others to own fealty to their lords. I expect the people of the other nations to be loyal to their head of state, just as we are to ours and hope that all the rulers of European nations and indeed all the people too recognise our common European history and heritage (which has nothing to do with the EU) and the need for cooperation and friendly relations (which has nothing to do with the EU).


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #190 on: January 31, 2020, 06:35:25 PM »
As I have mentioned before, read "Europe and the Faith" by Hilaire Belloc (or at least a summary, or the last paragraph). It will tell you what Europe was, is and must be in the future.
Ah - Religion is involved. As Steven Weinberg said...“With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #189 on: January 31, 2020, 04:07:30 PM »
only a few hours left freedom .

Amazon, what is it that you will be free to do tomorrow that you can’t do today?


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #188 on: January 31, 2020, 03:54:21 PM »
Only a few hours to the loss of our freedoms and citizenship.  The racists are removing from us our rights and citizenship.


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #187 on: January 31, 2020, 02:03:16 PM »
Ah - now I understand - it's all about Catholicism!  The EU, with its liberal democracies and its tolerant, diverse, multi-faith, multi-ethnic culture, is everything that Belloc would have despised.

So Condate's view of the Europe of the future is actually the Europe of the past - some time around the fifteenth century, in fact, before the Protestant reformation.  You're welcome to it, Condate  ;)

Incidentally, on another matter, has anyone else noticed this new post:

It says it's for leavers only - they are invited to indicate what sort of Brexit they expect to get.   But - surprise surprise - there have been no responses. Could that be because the leavers haven't the faintest idea what they voted for - they only know what they voted against? Surely not.........
The countdown has begun only a few hours left freedom .


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #186 on: January 31, 2020, 11:06:24 AM »
Ah - now I understand - it's all about Catholicism!  The EU, with its liberal democracies and its tolerant, diverse, multi-faith, multi-ethnic culture, is everything that Belloc would have despised.

So Condate's view of the Europe of the future is actually the Europe of the past - some time around the fifteenth century, in fact, before the Protestant reformation.  You're welcome to it, Condate  ;)

Incidentally, on another matter, has anyone else noticed this new post:

It says it's for leavers only - they are invited to indicate what sort of Brexit they expect to get.   But - surprise surprise - there have been no responses. Could that be because the leavers haven't the faintest idea what they voted for - they only know what they voted against? Surely not.........


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #185 on: January 30, 2020, 09:33:39 PM »
Welcome back Condate. It's great to have the benefit of your uniquely wacky perspective.  :)

So perhaps Condate can flesh out his vision and enlighten us as to exactly in what way the EU is 'anti-European?  If Europe were to 'move forward and free itself from the anti-European EU', what exactly would it be moving forward to?

As I have mentioned before, read "Europe and the Faith" by Hilaire Belloc (or at least a summary, or the last paragraph). It will tell you what Europe was, is and must be in the future.


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #184 on: January 30, 2020, 06:19:31 PM »
The remainers LOST .
Quite right. You go ahead and celebrate. While you're at it - you can celebrate this too. A nice gift from your wealthy Tory friends.

"New analysis has claimed that the possible reallocation of council funding could redirect hundreds of millions of pounds from so-called left-behind communities in the north of England to the leafy southern shires.

The analysis, commissioned by the Local Government Association, says that such a move would leave many newly Conservative voting ‘red wall’ areas facing fresh cuts to local services. Under a review of the local authority funding formula, £320 million a year could be shifted out of councils in England’s most deprived areas while Tory-controlled shire councils mainly in the south-east gain £300 million."


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #183 on: January 30, 2020, 12:15:03 PM »
Welcome back Condate. It's great to have the benefit of your uniquely wacky perspective.  :)

So perhaps Condate can flesh out his vision and enlighten us as to exactly in what way the EU is 'anti-European?  If Europe were to 'move forward and free itself from the anti-European EU', what exactly would it be moving forward to?


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #182 on: January 29, 2020, 09:07:03 PM »
No society and the country has last.

Society and eventually Europe have won. The battle will not be over until all the nations in the EU are liberated and can begin to form a new, better Europe. The fight against the EU is not primarily about the UK; it is about the future of Europe. Does it turn its back on all that makes it Europe and keep the EU, or does it move forward and free itself from the anti-European EU.


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Re: Voting for Brexit
« Reply #181 on: January 29, 2020, 04:03:11 PM »
Or will they try to blame the EU for not giving us what we, now as an outsider, will impossibly demand?

You bet they will  ::)