Ah - now I understand - it's all about Catholicism! The EU, with its liberal democracies and its tolerant, diverse, multi-faith, multi-ethnic culture, is everything that Belloc would have despised.
So Condate's view of the Europe of the future is actually the Europe of the past - some time around the fifteenth century, in fact, before the Protestant reformation. You're welcome to it, Condate
Incidentally, on another matter, has anyone else noticed this new post:
https://www.marple-uk.com/smf/index.php?topic=8562.0It says it's for leavers only - they are invited to indicate what sort of Brexit they expect to get. But - surprise surprise - there have been no responses. Could that be because the leavers haven't the faintest idea what they voted for - they only know what they voted against? Surely not.........