The following message is copied from a FB post made by Cllr @Steve Gribbon : Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRCs) reopening:You will be aware that the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has said it intends or reopen some of its household waste and recycling centres (HWRCs) within the next two weeks.
The actual date of reopening is subject to traffic arrangements being finalised across GM, so that all GM sites can reopen on the same date. We will let you know as soon as this date is agreed.
We will open the Adswood HWRC for 7 days a week from 8am to 6pm. [dates to be announced, see below]
The Bredbury HWRC will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 8am to 6pm. [dates to be announced, see below]
Rose Hill in Marple will remain closed.We are not opening the HWRC in Bredbury during the week in order to ensure that SMBC refuse collection vehicles can freely operate and avoid any interruptions to our bin service that queuing vehicles would cause.
Rose Hill in Marple will remain closed because there is very limited space for queuing traffic. To increase the rate at which cars pass through the tips, there will be limited waste streams and we will only be accepting bags of general waste. Residents will be asked to keep other waste (including garden waste) at home for the time being. Tipping arrangements have been designed so that residents can access the bays to dispose of their waste quickly and without having to pass others.
It should be noted that the HWRCs will not be working to full capacity because of the need to make sure that they are as safe as possible, and as they will be operating with reduced staff numbers. We will be following government advice on social distancing and as such limiting the number of vehicles allowed in at any time.
This post has been made by Stockport Council themselves on FB (as far as I can see it is generally compatible with the above but doesn't contain as much detail):Stockport’s Household Waste Recycling Centres remain closed this weekend (25-26 April).We are working on plans to reopen two centres soon and a further update will follow next week when Greater Manchester Combined Authority who are responsible for the centres, have confirmed the opening date.
Any information from other sources that gives the impression they will be opening this weekend is incorrect.
The council's web site itself is not up-to-date at the time of posting: the GM site doesn't give much away either:
GM Rose Hill Tip details