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Author Topic: Safer Walking and Cycling  (Read 11517 times)

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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #51 on: July 08, 2020, 03:59:23 PM »
and how may mnore time do you have to be told. it doesn't matter what it currently is. Stockport spent a QUARTER OF A MILLION POUNDS to buy houses on the junction of Windlehurst Road and the A6 just to knock them down and make a wider lane. They could buy Rollins Lane for less than that. They could come to an agreement with the current owner. They could use accessbility laws to force the current owner to make changes. There are many options. What make you so vehemently oposed to the idea of making things better for anyone other than yourself?
If I recall correctly the compulorsy purchase for the Windlehurst junction which I personally think is a complete waste of space and money as well as being dangerous for cyclists; the funds actually came from government because it was part of the mitigation (goodness knows what was being mitigated) as part of the bypass. Those same funds and mitigation gave us our roller-coaster speed tables and humps on Windlehurst too.
Maybe Windlehurst should be a way to take through traffic out of Marple?


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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #50 on: July 08, 2020, 03:53:58 PM »
@nbt - my thoughts exactly!

@CTCREP  This would divert through traffic around Marple and allow people to move more freely within the town centre.
I'd love to see Marple made more cycle & pedestrian friendly but I'm curious as to where and how the through traffic would be diverted from Marple without major road building?

Rudolph Hucker

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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #49 on: July 07, 2020, 08:24:29 PM »
.... I'm fairly lukcu in that I'm reasonably healght....

Mmmmmm, remind me what the NBT handle stands for J ?

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

PS Wrapped amazon up in one.




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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #48 on: July 07, 2020, 12:51:01 PM »
It not making things better for me
noe one's going to to force you to use the lane so that's fine

its  you that wants it for yourself
I'm happy with the lane, I have used it regularly for the last ten years on my commnute.

there is nothing wrong with the lane as it is its perfectly usable .
Even using it regularly, I can recognise that the state of it is not great for a lot of people therefore I support efforts to improve it. you on the other hand seem to have a very negative attitude to this and to most other suggestions that are made on this forum. Perhaps you should take some time out and have a think about how your posts on here are contributing to the forum and wider how your actions and attitude are affecting society in general. I'm fairly lukcu in that I'm reasonably healght, have a job and a good wage, and I'm happy to pay my tax to support society and support efforts outside of that to make things better for people less fortunate than myself. Maybe you need to think about how you can do that too
NBT: Notoriously Bad Typist


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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #47 on: July 07, 2020, 11:31:38 AM »
and how may mnore time do you have to be told. it doesn't matter what it currently is. Stockport spent a QUARTER OF A MILLION POUNDS to buy houses on the junction of Windlehurst Road and the A6 just to knock them down and make a wider lane. They could buy Rollins Lane for less than that. They could come to an agreement with the current owner. They could use accessbility laws to force the current owner to make changes. There are many options. What make you so vehemently oposed to the idea of making things better for anyone other than yourself?
It not making things better for me its  you that wants it for yourself there is nothing wrong with the lane as it is its perfectly usable .


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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #46 on: July 06, 2020, 06:09:21 PM »
How many more times its a private road .

and how may mnore time do you have to be told. it doesn't matter what it currently is. Stockport spent a QUARTER OF A MILLION POUNDS to buy houses on the junction of Windlehurst Road and the A6 just to knock them down and make a wider lane. They could buy Rollins Lane for less than that. They could come to an agreement with the current owner. They could use accessbility laws to force the current owner to make changes. There are many options. What make you so vehemently oposed to the idea of making things better for anyone other than yourself?
NBT: Notoriously Bad Typist


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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #45 on: July 06, 2020, 04:31:37 PM »
All true Andy, but having spent nearly 20 years attending Stockport MBC's Cycle User Group and getting practically nowhere I finally gave up about 3 years ago, but I did attend  a meeting about a year ago when we were given the opportunity to see what Stockport MBC were proposing.  It was proudly introduced by the Councillor representing cycling who promptly left the meeting once the inspection began. I could see nothing thing was proposed for the Marple area although the Connect2 Route from Marple to Stockport via Chadkirk was still awaiting completion and I have been trying  for much of these 20 years to get Rollins Lane - part of the route from Compstall to Marple Station - properly surfaced so that people could walk or cycle to Marple Station etc. Britain is 50 years behind many parts of Europe and Stockport even further behind.

I don't know how we get Stockport MBC to move into the 20th century, let alone the 21st, but even if we survive this Covid crisis we still have the Climate Change problems and the recent noticeable reduction in emissions show just how much could be done by making it possible to make many of those journeys that  have been done by car equally possible by cycle or on foot.
How many more times its a private road .


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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #44 on: July 06, 2020, 04:17:00 PM »
All true Andy, but having spent nearly 20 years attending Stockport MBC's Cycle User Group and getting practically nowhere I finally gave up about 3 years ago, but I did attend  a meeting about a year ago when we were given the opportunity to see what Stockport MBC were proposing.  It was proudly introduced by the Councillor representing cycling who promptly left the meeting once the inspection began. I could see nothing thing was proposed for the Marple area although the Connect2 Route from Marple to Stockport via Chadkirk was still awaiting completion and I have been trying  for much of these 20 years to get Rollins Lane - part of the route from Compstall to Marple Station - properly surfaced so that people could walk or cycle to Marple Station etc. Britain is 50 years behind many parts of Europe and Stockport even further behind.

I don't know how we get Stockport MBC to move into the 20th century, let alone the 21st, but even if we survive this Covid crisis we still have the Climate Change problems and the recent noticeable reduction in emissions show just how much could be done by making it possible to make many of those journeys that  have been done by car equally possible by cycle or on foot.


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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #43 on: July 06, 2020, 03:24:13 PM »
@nbt - my thoughts exactly!

@CTCREP  I'm approaching this from the position of Cycling is a viable alternative means of transport within Marple and between Marple and Stockport rather than a recreational cyclist.

I'd like there to be better access from Marple to Stockport, the new bridge on the Alan Newton way will make a big improvement. To link things up I would prioritise...

Remove the barrier at the bottom of Marple Hall Drive/Marina to allow better access to the Marple Hall section of the Route 55. https://goo.gl/maps/A9NU2KCbku6mic6CA Continue this through the field that brings it to the Hare and Hounds/Wyevale and change the stile for a Cycle / Horse barrier.

Remove the awful barrier that is at Chadkirk that means you have to lift your bike over (impossible with a cargo bike etc) https://goo.gl/maps/ay6S319PJQPJwcnT6 - Google has an old image - i'd be happy with what is shown!

Create signage so people know a relatively traffic free route can take them to the perimeter of Stockport.

Within Marple I would like a longer term plan to revitalise the district centre, I have put some thoughts below. (of which there are objections but no counter proposals) There are numerous more ideas from other local authorities, many in London, but also York and Bristol are notable. This would divert through traffic around Marple and allow people to move more freely within the town centre. I'd also seek to put a 20mph zone over all of Marple, restrict traffic outside of schools and create zebra crossings on the way to and from local primary schools.



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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #42 on: July 06, 2020, 08:01:14 AM »
The only journeys I have made in the last few year of less than 0.6214 miles were when my wife was unable to walk more than a few yards (or drive herself) before she had her hip replacement. While I don't suggest similar such journeys make up most of the short trips in the area, they certainly make up a fair proportion. I'm not sure I actually believe the figures recorded for short drives (unless moving the car a few feet while positioning it in a driveway or car park counts as a journey).

Personally, I'd rather walk short distances than drive, as do most people. The average of my last 100 drives is 25.04 miles, which is typical, and a large proportion are not practical to make any other way; certainly not by either current, or any remotely likely public transport.

As a frequent pedestrian in Marple and elsewhere , I don't want or need any changes.

then this isn't aimed at you, so stop trying to oppose it. Help us allow opther people to change
NBT: Notoriously Bad Typist


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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #41 on: July 05, 2020, 04:52:07 PM »
So getting back to the origami subject, the Government is providing money to encourage more walking and cycling but the final decision on how the money is used is with Stockport MBC whose reputation for catering for walking and cycling is practically non- existent if not disastrous at times, and this money must not be wasted as has done before.

A typical example that most of us must have been aware of was to spend thousands of pounds and cause several weeks of disruption - particularly for car drivers - was in creating a shared walking and cycling path along one side of Millgate and New Bridge Lane in Stockport and a substandard cycle lane on the other which actually is a deterrent to cyclists. All that was required was a cycle lane on each side created to Government specifications.

It has long been known that cycling in an urban area is the fastest form of transport. You will have read that there are cycle lanes on Oxford Road in Manchester, and I suspect most experienced commuting cyclists were looking forward to cycle lanes on the A6, but I believe Stockport Transport Department has decided to use the money to create a devious parallel route via various side roads so as not to interfere with the motor traffic.  This means those commuting by bike already will find their journey now taking twice as long and will give up cycling into Manchester and take to the car. So much for encouraging cycling and walking.

So how do we get our Council Officials to do something useful for the Borough.


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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #40 on: July 03, 2020, 10:18:40 PM »
The only journeys I have made in the last few year of less than 0.6214 miles were when my wife was unable to walk more than a few yards (or drive herself) before she had her hip replacement. While I don't suggest similar such journeys make up most of the short trips in the area, they certainly make up a fair proportion. I'm not sure I actually believe the figures recorded for short drives (unless moving the car a few feet while positioning it in a driveway or car park counts as a journey).

Personally, I'd rather walk short distances than drive, as do most people. The average of my last 100 drives is 25.04 miles, which is typical, and a large proportion are not practical to make any other way; certainly not by either current, or any remotely likely public transport.

As a frequent pedestrian in Marple and elsewhere , I don't want or need any changes.


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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #39 on: July 03, 2020, 05:27:28 PM »

That's a really important clarification, 200 million car journeys of less than 1km.

Now we have cleared that up, do you have any positive counter proposals?

This is what is happening in Levenshulme https://levenshulmebeenetwork.co.uk/


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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #38 on: July 03, 2020, 04:50:30 PM »
Merely bringing clarification to a headline quote that could have been misinterpretted

I haven't missed the point but still stand by an earlier quote by Stephen...
Like it or not without the motorist and yes - cars the country would be in a dreadful state. It's time to accept that cars are needed and yes they bring in immense amount of money to the public purse both national and local.

And has anyone said otherwise?


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Re: Safer Walking and Cycling
« Reply #37 on: July 03, 2020, 04:49:26 PM »
Yeah yeah quibble quibble over stats, miss the point as you go...
Merely bringing clarification to a headline quote that could have been misinterpretted

I haven't missed the point but still stand by an earlier quote by Stephen...
Like it or not without the motorist and yes - cars the country would be in a dreadful state. It's time to accept that cars are needed and yes they bring in immense amount of money to the public purse both national and local.